Yes Sir - Sabastian's POV

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The decent to the ground had been a rocky one. The ship shook the entire way loud noises could be heard over everyone's scream as peace's form the Ark started to fall apart. The tempter razed so hot as we reenter the atmosphere that I could barely breathe. I was sure we were going to cook alive. But then we made it through. When we landed it was so harsh that I hit my head against the wall I was strapped into and it took me a few minutes to regain myself. When I did I looked up to see that Abby was gone and the hatch was open letting in sunlight.

I looked at the sunlight and could not help but smile. I unblocked myself and walked over to it. I ran my hand through its warmth as is testing it to see if it would hurt me. I climbed up out of the ship and could do nothing more than stand there next to her looking around. It was breath taking. Better than any picture I had ever seen. We had landed near a peaceful lake that reflected the blue sky and the mountains that stood near it. It looked like the best painting I had ever seen but only better. I was here, I had made it to the ground. It took me a few seconds to realize she was talking to someone.

I looked over to her as she looked around realizing she was crying as she spoke.

"It's everything I dreamed." She said into here ear peace and that's when I realized how stupid I was she was talking to Jaha.

"It's so surreal. There are trees everywhere, and water. The air it smells, it smells sweet." She said as she smiled, the biggest smile I had ever seen on her face.

"It's so beautiful. I wish I could share this with you." She said as Kane started climbing out of the hatch.

I looked over to him to see he had the same expression on his face as her. The expression I could only assume was also on my face right now.

"Abby look." He said as he pointed off into the distance.

The two of us looked to where he was pointing to see smoke rising through the trees.

"There's smoke in the distance. It might be another station." She told Jaha like it mattered what he had to say anymore.

"Get everyone together, if it's another station they may need help." Abby said to the two of us.

"Shouldn't we be looking for the kids?" I reminded her.

"Yes but we don't know where they are. We know that there is someone over there." She told me.

"It could be the grounders the kids where talking about." I told her.

"Or it could be the kid's camp." Kane added in. "We won't know until we get there."

"Grab half of the people who are able bodied for a search and rescue mission. Have the rest set up a parameter around camp." He told me like I had to listen to him.

"Yes sir." I answered as I grinded my teeth and went back below.

I would play good little guard now, but once we found those kids Kane will have another thing coming to him.

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