Pull the Trigger

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I woke up to the sound of birds chirping. I rolled over into Murphy's arms. I was so happy in this moment that I never wanted it to end. I was never going to get used to those annoying fucking birds chirping every morning.

"Shit." I said as I jumped up.

I was almost pulled back down because Murphy's arms were wrapped around me so tightly.

He did not move he just tried to pull me back down to him.

Shit. Shit. Shit. I thought over and over again in my mind.

I could not believe I let this happen. I had completely forgotten about the mission. I knew from the birds that the sun was going to rise within the next few hours. I knew my window had past. Dax would have found them by now. So either rite now Bellamy was dead or Dax was dead. The one thing I knew was I needed to get back to camp and figure out what happened before anyone else realizes I was involved.

Murphy had given up and trying to pull me back to him but instead sat up next to me and placed a kiss on my neck. I jumped slightly; truthfully I had forgotten he was there. I looked back at him and it was easy for him to see the worry in my eyes.

"Hey what's wrong?" He asked me.

"Nothing's wrong." I lied to him.

"Then come back to bed." He said challenging me.

I wanted to. I really did but I can't. I had to get back to camp. I had to get back now.

"I can't." I said as I got up and started looking around for my things.

"You can't?" He asked as he came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

I had only managed to pull on my underwear so we were both pretty much still naked. My body responded by almost melting into him. Then I snapped out of it.

"I can't Murphy I really need to go." I said as I pulled away from him and pulled on my bra.

"Why?" He asked me getting more aggravated by the second as he pulled up his pants.

"I just have to get back before Bellamy realizes I'm gone." I told him.

I don't know why I said that. I knew the second I did it was a mistake. Murphy expression changed. He was pissed.

"Who gives a fuck it Bellamy realizes your gone?" He snapped at me.

"I do. Look I don't have time to explain." I just have to go as I pulled up my pants.

"You can't explain. You're just going to leave me here to run back to camp? To him?" he yelled at me.

"First of don't yell at me. There are things going on right now that you don't understand. Okay? I had things I had to do last night." I yelled back at him. "I should not have let myself get distracted." The last part I said to myself as I pulled my shirt on.

"Distracted. Is that what I am a distraction?" He continued to yell at me.

"That's not what I meant. Of course you're not a distraction. Everything I do, I do for you." I said to him.

"Then stay?" He asked me as he reached out for my hands.

I had no choice but to pull away from him. I really had to go.

"I can't." I said to him.

"Because of Bellamy. The man who hung me." He yelled.

I really could not do this anymore. I tried to walk around him and out of the cave but he blocked my way.

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