Three On One Fist Fights with Grounders

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"Jasper, we need you in the dropship right now." Clarke's voice said over the talkies.

"Negative, we can't give away the location." Bellamy told her.

"The grounders just found one of our mines. There not going to come that way." She told him just as another grounder came running in and set off another mine.

Everyone started shooting but nothing seemed to be working.

"All gunners listen up." Jaspers voice said getting my attention.

"The reason there not attacking is there making us waist bullets." He said. "Don't shoot while there running laterally."

"Jaspers rite. Don't fire until you're sure its attack." Bellamy told us all.

It did not take much longer for the grounder army to emerge from the trees. They were like a giant herd running at us and screaming with their swords held high.

"Here they come!" Bellamy yelled like the rest of us did not have eyes.

Everyone opened fire, Bellamy climbed out of our fox hole so he could get a better view of what was going on. I quickly joined him firing off my arrows along with his bullets, hitting anyone that was close enough to get my attention. It did not take very long for me to realize this was not a fight we were going to win. Not out here on the battle field. There was way too many of them. Maybe the plan to fire the rocket would work but the rest of us would be left for dead.

I pulled an arrow from my back and shot it rite through a grounders eye that was approaching Miller from behind. He looked at me quickly like he was going to say thank you. Instead he yelled out Bellamy's name.

I turned around to see that while I was paying attention to Miller a grounder had jumped out of nowhere and grabbed Bellamy. Bellamy tried to fight back as he had dropped his gun but it was no use the grounder had over powered him. The grounder quickly punched Bellamy in the face and then picked him up like a rag doll and threw him into a tree. I quickly grabbed an arrow and fired at the grounder but my arrow landing in the shoulder of another who had jumped in the way.

The grounder looked at me briefly before pulling out the arrow throwing it to the ground. I quickly placed my bow down and pulled out my long knifes from my arm and shoe. The second I started to stand up the grounder started to run at me. I watched as this monstrous man in a mask ran at me knowing there was no way I was going to overpower him. I was going to have to just ware him out.

So I ran at him meeting him half way. There was a log in front of me and I placed both of my hands on it as I used it to propel my body forward, kicking him in the chest with both feet sending him falling back on his ass. He feel more gracefully then I had hoped as he just kinda rolled and got back up. By the time I reached him and tried to stab him with one of my knives he had already stood up and used his forearm to block my attack.

I swung at him with my other arm and he simply punched my arm out of the way. I quickly tried to round house kick him in the face but he blocked that with ease as well. While his arms were still up from the last block I sent another kick that finally landed on his ribs, knocking the air out of his lungs and causing him to stager back a little.

I ran at him as his back hit a tree and tried again to stab him in the face and I almost did. At the last moment he moved out of the way and pushed my arm away from him sending my closed fist into the tree. Pain ran through my hand as I yelled out knowing that I was now bleeding and it may be broken but refused to open my fist and drop the knife. I pulled out of his grasp and swung at him again with my other hand and again he blocked it. But this time I was ready and I grabbed hold of his wrist and spinning it out of my way forcing him for a moment to crouch down as he tried to pull out of the hold. Finally giving me an opening as I swung again at his face. This time my knife mad contact ripping rite threw his mask sending it falling to the ground. Reveling his face that was now slashed open from his right eat to his chin, but still he was trying to fight back. I pushed him back until he collided with another tree. I spared a quick glance to see Bellamy was now on the ground trying his hardest to fight off the grounder who had pinned him.

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