Everyone Run

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“I need you to stay here. If the grounders care circling, we can’t leave this place unprotected.” Bellamy told Murphy.

I watched Murphy as he took in what he was being told. His mood lightened up and he seemed to believe what Bellamy had just told him. But I knew the truth. Most of the people already in the hunting party did not want him around, and he was no good with a knife. He would just slow down the group.

“Fine. Some body better tell googles to keep it shut.” He responded.

I could not believe how insensitive these guys have been towards Jasper. If it was anyone they actually cared about things would be different. Murphy on the other hand should know by now what pisses me off and hearing him talk about Jasper in that way was one of them.

Murphy turned to head back to camp and I followed.

“Where are you going Dahlia?” Bellamy asked before I could take more than two steps.

“With Murphy.” I answered.

“No you’re coming with us to hunt.” He told me.

I could not help but get a little excited. A good hunt would be a great way to get my mind off of all that was going on. I looked over my shoulder to Murphy and he looked upset. He was upset that Bellamy asked me to hunt and not him. He was not going to say anything about it because that’s just how he was when it came to me. He would want me to go but I still felt bad.

“I don’t know.” I told him.

“You have the best aim, and arm out of everyone. We need you.” He told me truthfully.

He said he needed me and my stomach dropped. No one had ever said they needed me. I have been told a bunch of times that I had to help people because I needed them. Or we needed each other but no one had ever told me before that they needed me.

I took a few steps closer to Bellamy so Murphy could not hear what I was about to say.

“Someone should stay and watch Murphy.” I told him.

I was actually really concerned about him. Every time I left him alone he seemed to get into a fight with someone.

“Murphy is a big boy. He can watch himself.” Bellamy told me.

I did not know what to do. It sounded like it would be fun to blow some steam off hunting. At the same time I was really not comfortable with leaving Murphy in a camp full of people who hated him without me or Bellamy here with him.

I watch as Murphy throws the knife again and misses, again.

“I’ll catch up.” I told Bellamy.

He nodded and walked away with the rest of the group.

I walked over to Murphy who was picking up his knife.

“What? You’re not going with the hunting party?” He asked me.

 I could hear the annoyance in his voice.

“I told him ill catch up. If you want I can show you how to through that thing.” I offered.

He just looked at me, not responding just staring. He was angry I could tell but I did not know why.

“I don’t need your help. I can figure it out on my own.” He snapped at me.

I was about to tell him to stop acting like such a baby when Bellamy reappeared walking out of the tree line.

“Murphy, Dahlia!” He called to us.

He did not say more we knew he wanted to talk to us. We followed him to his tent. I stood in the corner as him and Murphy crouched down looking at the drawing of the camp Bellamy was drawing in the dirt.

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