"Yes, Mother, I do know." Prince Jing responded cluelessly.

        The Emperor straightened his posture. "Then do you know that you're the father of the child?"

        Prince Jing's body stiffened. He snapped his head to face the Empress, but the Empress avoided his gaze. The Emperor watched intently. Casually, the prince let out a slight chuckle at the Emperor's words. He continued to let out soft laughter. "Your Majesty, that is such an accusation! The Empress belongs to you and only you. How could I dare disrespect the ruler of the nation like that?"

          "The timeline doesn't match up. The Empress and I laid with each other nine weeks ago, but she's twelve weeks pregnant," the Emperor calmly explained, boring his eyes into his brother. "If you confess, I may consider only to exile you."

        The Empress rubbed her stomach. "Your Majesty, you're under stress... You're not thinking straight. Prince Jing is—"

         "Shut up," the Emperor interrupted. "If he confesses his sins, I might consider letting him live!"

        "You're delusional! Listen to yourself!" Prince Jing let out a playful chortle. 

         "I'm delusional? You're sleeping with the Empress, that is a death wish! Who is the crazy one now?" the Emperor held the vessel in his hand with poise. His wrist was slightly trembling, and the Emperor's eyes were narrowing as he spoke.

        The Empress leaned over to him, quietly whispering. "Tell His Majesty the truth... Save yourself."

         Prince Jing and the Empress must have been very close. Well clearly, as they were sleeping with each other. But, Prince Jing was an enemy. I feel somewhat bad for him but I already knew he took the Empress's side with the way he looked at me the other day. He doesn't like me. I shouldn't like him. Prince Jing is an opponent. If he survives this trial, he might try to destroy me. 


          Prince Jing and the Empress. Something about their connection is bothering me. When they are together, having sex was not the only thing they'd be doing. If I can say something that might cause more chaos, I can get rid of my two enemies.

        The Empress and her mother may be exiled, but Prince Jing might come back for me. He has power. He can hire assassins to kill me and they might succeed this time.

        Wait. Assassins... 


        "Your Majesty," I called. He turned his attention away from Prince Jing and acknowledged me. His face softened. "Prince Jing and the Empress are fairly close... Does that mean they were both involved with your attempted assassinations?"

       The Emperor joined in. "The actress who attempted to assassinate me must have worked for you."

        "It was you, wasn't it? You've done enough damage," Prince Jing turned to look at me with disgust on his face. "Was this all your plan to depose—"

        "Watch your mouth," the Empress Dowager barked. She slapped the armrest and shot up from her throne. "I never raised you to behave like this! You ungrateful traitor... Those children of the concubines of the late emperor would be glad to take your place!"

        Prince Jing threw his head back, letting out another roar of laughter. The Empress placed her hand on his arm, but he swatted her hand away. He was insane just like the Empress. They both carried the same narcissistic tendencies and are rats. 

The Empress Wears GucciWhere stories live. Discover now