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Jungkook has never felt so miserable in his life before. He thought he was making the right choice but why was he feeling so broken from it? His decision has teared his heart apart but he couldn't live with himself for harming his cub further and further and risking his safety.

Not only his cub but the safety of the little tiger as well.

As much as he loved Taehyung and didn't want to let him go, he had to. There was no future for a fucked up being like him and he definitely didn't deserve the angel that was Kim Taehyung. He was not allowed to be happy, not after everything he has done.

Jimin has yelled at him for being a dumb fuck and threw a bottle after the mobster who dodged it easily while his best friend accused him of being 'the tiniest dick I've ever came across, he loves you, dumb bitch!' but Jungkook has made his decision and contacted Taehyung's friends. If it meant for him letting go so Taehyung would be safe, he would do it.

So he locked himself into his mansion, fixing the mess he has created and also managing the new parts of his mob. With Jihoon's death they were left without leader so Jungkook used the opportunity and forced them to join his own Mafia. Making his people double on count.

He was the leader of the most powerful Mafia now and he would've be selfish again and keep his cub by his side if the past situation wouldn't have taught him that being selfish meant risking Taehyung's safety. So he decided to do the right thing for once.

So he wasn't ready for an angry cub to stand in front of his door with bloodshot eyes and an angry pout on his face.

"Taehyung", he said surprised, hoping to look at least a bit decent while the brunet was glaring at him. "What are you---"

"You're such an asswipe you know that?!", Taehyung interrupted him furiously, pushing Jungkook inside who stumbled backwards baffled. "I'M SICK OF YOU AND YOUR BEHAVIOR YOU HUGE MEANIE! Do you even know what you're doing to me? To Junnie?!", Taehyung yelled at his former boyfriend and Jungkook flinched away.

"I did it to protect you", he whispered out but Taehyung wasn't having it. "AND BREAK MY HEART?! You idiot! That's exactly what our problem is! We don't talk about what is bothering us and take actions into our own hands! I did it and in result, you're doing the same!", Taehyung accused Jungkook who only stared at his pretty cub, seeing the bandage on his wrist.

"I should've never fall for you but I did and now you're pushing me away? Suck it up, asswipe, you're a mobster, that's your job! One thing I realized is you can't get out of it. People will still try to get me, even without me being your- well you know. But without you, I'm free prey. And worse, Junnie is. Please, Jungkook, that's my son we're talking about and I know that you love him! I know you do", Taehyung whispered the last thing weakly.

"So please don't push us away, not when Junnie said he wanted to make you Dad. Don't leave us like we mean nothing to you. My heart is chained to your heart's rhythm, Jungkook and I wouldn't have it any other way. Yes, we got hurt but you saved us. You always do. You showed me to trust someone again when I had given up on relationships", Taehyung cried out, now with tears in his eyes.

Jungkook's body reacted before his mind could, already engulfing Taehyung with his arms and pressing his sweet cub close. "I didn't want any of this, Taehyung. I distanced myself because the same exact thing I was afraid of happened to you. My life wouldn't be the same without you in it either but I couldn't stand the thought of you being hurt", Jungkook whispered while Taehyung was crying and shaking in his arms.

"Then don't leave me. Please", Taehyung cried out. "Don't leave, not when you became a part of our lives, not when I love you so much", Taehyung whimpered. "Stay with us", Taehyung begged and Jungkook's heart broke another time. "Be selfish. You're part of me now, Jungkook and if you leave, I'll break", the brunet whispered out.

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