Q&A Answers Part 1

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Don't mind me, it's a lot of crack XD plus, I'll skip the ones which were asked multiple times and only answer them one time

Jungkook's answers

Q: Promise not to hurt Taehyung?

A: I would never think of hurting Taehyung.

Q: Treat dat taebooty right

A: I don't think this is a question

Q: do you have any pet names to Taehyung aside from 'cub'?

A: If he starts acting like a puppy again, it'll be 'puppy'. But otherwise, I'd call him my Baby because he's mine and only mine

Q: you're a softie

A: You better get out of your imagination, it's not good there.

Q: Better not to hurt Taehyung or else I'll call seokjin

A: You don't have his number

Q: Don't be an asshole in the future okay? Or imma kill you

A: *laughs evilly* Don't think you're one to order me around.

Q: Do you know that 100% of the readers drool over you?

A: What readers? And I know I'm hot but I belong to Taehyung.

Q: Why did you become a mobster or how did it happen?

A: It originally belonged to my father and I inherited his position after his death

Q: Are you and Tae planning to have another kid in the future?

A: I don't remember allowing you to put your nose in things that don't concern you

Q: Is your friend only Jimin?

A: You don't have friends in my kind of job.

Q: Where is your dad? Is he alive? If not what killed him? Or mom

A: He was killed by an enemy. And my mother's gone too

Q: Please take care of bby tae

A: Not that's your business but I will do anything to make him happy and keep him safe.

Q: Which side of Tae you love the most?

A: The backside

Q: yah JEON JUNGKOOK hi? When's the next transaction?

A: None of your business

Q: Take care of both Babies if something happen to them I will ... you know

A: Nothing will ever happen to them as long as I'm living

Q: How are you so baby while being so daddy?

A: *Taehyung appears, growls* excuse me, that's my man, step back

Q: Would you child proof your mansion if Junnie and Tae live with you? For example. remove all disturbing activities from the mansion like killing an torture.

A: I keep my private life and job separated so there's nothing to 'child proof'

Q: What precautions have you taken to ensure that Taehyung and Yeonjun stay safe. You are a very well known person. And there were pictures taken of you and Taehyung in the coffee shop you went to, if I remember correctly. Those pictures must have been published and viewed by a lot of people, since they were the reason that Taehyung's friends found out about your relationship. That leads me to the conclusion that your enemies most probably have also seen them.

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