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Jungkook let out a little noise of surprise when he saw the toddler clutching onto his leg. The little boy looked so pitiful with tears brimming in his soft doe eyes and the mobster felt a spark of emotion rushing through his veins, a spark of pity. Jungkook was secretly a fan of kids, they were so adorable and filled with innocence he loathed to have.

"P-please m-mister...", the little boy sobbed again and Jungkook held his hand up when Jimin wanted to pull the boy back from his leader who calmly looked down at the distressed child. His tiny body barely reaching his hip and the sniffling toddler continued to sob silently until Jungkook crouched down in front of him.

Taking out a handkerchief, the mobster wiped the boy's tears and snot out of his little face, tilting his head to the side. "You can't find your father?", he asked, usual cold voice concerned as the toddler nodded furiously. "I can't find Appa", he agreed with wobbling bottom lip and looked like he was going to cry again which Jungkook wanted to prevent.

So he leaned forward, on eye level with the toddler and brushed his fingers through his curly bangs, his guards watching them absolutely astonished as they never saw their boss being gentle to anyone. Especially not to a child. How did the kid even get here? And how the fuck did his father not notice his absence? Jimin was really wondering how this little guy could get here anyways, also past their guards but he assumed that since he was so small, they haven't noticed.

"Where did you last see your Appa, little guy?", Jungkook spoke up after finishing cleaning the boy's face and the toddler suckled on his bottom lip, glancing unsure behind him before pointing with one chubby finger into a certain direction. "T-there! I was at a store b-but I c-can't find it. 'm lost", he said with wavering voice, eyes watering again before looking back to the crouched man, not even being afraid of talking to a literal mob boss who could have his head if he wanted to.

But Jungkook instead of scaring the toddler of, smiling softly. He might be cold and ruthless but not even him could push a toddler away who looked so cute and helpless, on the brink of tears because his father was gone. "Okay, little guy, how about I help you find your Appa, hm?", the black haired man suggested, now fully kneeling on the ground and not caring that he got his expensive suit dirty.

"Sir-", Jimin started but was turned silent by a glare. "P-please", the little boy whimpered, climbing onto Jungkook's lap who quickly caught the light weight with his arms and lifted the boy up who immediately clutched onto his suit jacket. "You go clean everything up, I want no evidence. And you, come with me", he ordered his men, looking over to Jimin who quickly nodded, warily looking over to his boss and the child.

The little boy looked so small in Jungkook's arms but at least he seemed calm, still with tears in his eyes but calm. Jungkook's insides were burning from anger because what person would abandon their little kid? Persons like his own father but Jungkook quickly shook his head by the thought. "W-what's your name?", the little kid suddenly asked, puppy eyes looking up to the surprised mob boss who now realized that the kid truly didn't know his name.

Uneducated as well... what a failure of father didn't tell their kid about him?! He was the nightmare in person!

"I'm Jungkook", the raven smiled, despise the anger churning in his stomach and the kid nodded wide eyed before a happy smile formed on his face. Looking like a cute adorable box. "Nice to meet you, Mister Jungkook! I am Yeonjun! And my Appa says I should always be happy!", the kid introduced himself and smiled brightly at the end.

Jungkook was surprised by the cute exclaim but only smiled curtly before nodding his head. "Then let's find your Appa, shall we?", which was the perfect statement to prevent Yeonjun to burst into tears again, the boy nodding his head and making his locks fly around his cute face.

The man might be cold and a horrible man with even more horrible morals but he could never harm a kid. Because children reminded him that there was still innocence left in the world.

So he stayed pretty calm while entering multiple stores, learning about Yeonjun that the little guy loved to make new friends and got distracted easily which must have been why he ran so far away from his father and his anger faded a bit. It seemed like the boy was a handful for the father to manage.

The people recognizing him of course backed away scared but no one dared to call the police, Jungkook had the local department under his control too. Only Jimin knew how much control he really had over the country. The kid in his arms on the other side still continued to babble cutely about some things and Jungkook only listened halfheartedly while entering the yet fifth store.

He was about to walk up to the cashier and ask him about Yeonjun's father but a relieved scream beat him to it.


And when Jungkook turned his head, he felt his air boxed out of his chest.


Watch me be excited for this story and lose interest after five chapters lol


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