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"I wanna visit Mister Jungkook."

With these words, a very troubled day has begun, starting with Taehyung literally choking on his coffee after his son has said these innocent minded words, trying to explain to his son, no we cannot see him, you don't know where he lives, Junnie plus he might be busy and ending with Taehyung grumpily holding Yeonjun's hand who was jumping up and down while walking towards Jungkook's private residence.

How on earth did he find out where that man lives?!, Taehyung thought while he was still trying to get Yeonjun to come back home with him. But nothing helped, the toddler wanted to visit Jungkook so they were gonna visit Jungkook. Taehyung has been forcefully made to tag along since he firstly, couldn't let his son walk alone to a mobster's house um hello and secondly, maybe he wanted to see Jungkook again. Okay maybe not, he was still scared of him but his smirk really was hot and Taehyung was dying to see it again.

"Junnie, how about we go grab some ice cream instead? We haven't had it in so long-"

"No. Want Googie", Yeonjun stoically said, determinedly grabbing onto his father's hand, pulling him towards the large iron gate of Jungkook's residence. Taehyung's jaw dropped by the sight in front of him and Yeonjun had to tap his thigh to take Taehyung back to reality. "Appa, Appa, come on!", Yeonjun said excitedly, pulling Taehyung towards the entrance.

"J-Junnie, Baby, maybe we should go home-- where did you even get this address from?", the little boy giggled before excitedly skipping forward. "Secret, Appa! Mister Jungkook says he wanna see you too!", the toddler excitedly giggled. "Junnie, no wait--!"

But it was already too late, the toddler has let go of his father's hand and ran up to the security guard, hugging his leg. "Hello! Where's Uncle Googie?", Yeonjun smiled brightly, the man looking stunned before he harshly removed the little toddler from his leg. Yeonjun pouted in response and Taehyung quickly ran up to them. "I'm so sorry, my son loves to hug people", the brunet quickly apologized, picking his son up who whined but hugged his father's neck.

"Sir, this is private property so I must ask you to take the kid and leave", the man ordered sternly, Taehyung bowing quickly, happy to have a reason to leave. He still didn't want Yeonjun to be in the presence of the dangerous mobster. "Yes, of course, I apologize for the trouble", the photographer started, his son still clutching onto his neck and whining in protest.

"N-no, Appa you promised to let me see Uncle Googie!", the boy cried out, waving over to the gate. "Appa!", he screamed loudly right next to Taehyung's ears. "Sir, maybe you're at the wrong house?", the guard politely asked when he saw the distress of the kid, feeling bad for the little toddler and his obviously stressed father. "I hope so too", Taehyung grumbled right when his phone started to ring.

"Oh fuck no", he cursed silently, managing to get the phone out of his pocket and looking at the caller ID. He instantly turned pale. "H-Hi, um, what's up?", he awkwardly said just when he heard a deep chuckle on the other line. "Why don't you come inside, cub? I don't bite. Yet", the amused voice of Jungkook husked out from the other line, Yeonjun screeching happily when he recognized the voice.

"Appa, Appa lemme talk to Uncle Googie!", he demanded and made grabby hands to the phone. His wild hair, now tamed with cute blue clippers, flew around his head and Taehyung looked desperately at his son then at his phone but Yeonjun has always been a demanding little thing so he grabbed the device out of his father's hands, happily yelling a greeting into the speaker.

"Here, here, Uncle Googie wants to talk to you, Mister guard!", he announced loudly and stretched his little arm out, the guard looking bewildered at the toddler. "Take it!", Yeonjun happily said, waving the phone in the air and after looking to Taehyung for confirmation, the guard hesitantly took the unknown phone and pressed it against his ear. His expression soon changed and he turned chalk wide, staring shocked to the tall brunet who was silently scolding his son in his arms, nodding a few times.

"Please come with me, Mr Jeon is waiting for you", he politely bowed to Taehyung before commanding for the gate to be opened. Taehyung hesitantly took his phone back, awkwardly walking by the guard's side up the long driving way leading to the large white mansion. Taehyung was in awe at how beautiful the building looked, Yeonjun babbling in his arms about how much he has missed Uncle Googie. The guard side glanced at the odd pair because such a young handsome man having a child and coming to Jungkook's residence? That was a first timer.

"I'm sorry for coming off rude before, Sir", he silently apologized to the man by his side. Taehyung turned his head, beautiful brown eyes kindly looking at the man, shaking his head softly, same mob of locks flying around his face. "You were just doing your job, speaks for you", he smiled friendly.

"My name is Minjae, by the way, nice to meet you. You're a very unusual visitor", the man introduced himself and Taehyung giggled by the blurted comment. "Yeah, I know. You wouldn't call me an usual visitor I suppose", he laughed sweetly, pressing a kiss to Yeonjun's hair. When they reached the entrance, he turned to look at Minjae, smiling kindly. "It was nice meeting you, Minjae", Taehyung said sweetly, just when the door was opened by a maid who bowed at him.

"The young master is waiting for you, Sir", she said with bowed head, Yeonjun waving at Minjae. "Bye Mister Guard!", he grinned cutely before his father carried him inside the mansion, the door falling shut behind them. And while Minjae walked back to his spot, he really wondered how such an odd combination could take place.

Inside the mansion, Jungkook was already impatient to finally see the pretty brunet and his cute son again. Since he was secretly a sucker for kids, he craved to play with Yeonjun and also craved to make the gorgeous father get more and more flustered until he was blushing that adorable shade of red, hissing at him like a tiger cub.

He heard Yeonjun's excited voice before the two entered and when they did, he was once again awed by Taehyung's beauty, getting up from the couch just to be knocked off by a very enthusiastic little kid greeting him as Uncle Googie and a very panicked little tiger cub running after his son.


It's going to be really hot and cute next chapter, be warned:)


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