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"Uncle Googie, your house is soooo big! Can we play hide and seek here?", Yeonjun asked with huge puppy eyes after sitting on Jungkook's lap, the man staring hungrily at the pretty creature sitting down opposite to him. Taehyung uncomfortably fiddled with his fingers, his cheeks burning because he knew that Jungkook was staring at him. He was not used to flirts anymore, distancing himself from such things. And now, he just grew shy like a teenager again.

"Sure tiger, I'd be happy to show you around. You wanna see the pool?", Jungkook asked and Yeonjun's eyes started to sparkle, nodding his little head hard. "Yes! I love swimming! Appa sometimes takes me to a public bath!", the boy excitedly squealed. Jungkook swore he felt his dick twitch by the mere thought of a wet Kim Taehyung in just swim trunks. He couldn't wait to see that.

"Oh really?", he said, his smirk turning demonically when he stared intensely at Taehyung who has been silent all the time, looking up with big eyes. "We can all try out the pool. I bet your Appa would love to dive into the water", Jungkook smirked darkly, as hungry as a lion eyeing his prey, a cute tiger cub in his case who flinched.

"We don't have changing clothes", Taehyung deadpanned, making the toddler on Jungkook's lap pout sadly. The mobster bit his lip, knowing that Taehyung was trying to get out of the trap but the man wouldn't allow his cub to. "I have spare clothes you can use", he grinned evilly and Taehyung's eyes grew comically wide, searching for an excuse but his son beat him to it.

"Yay, please Appa, can we go? Please?", Yeonjun asked his father who was loss on words but he couldn't tell his adorable son no so he nodded defeated. "Okay", he mumbled, making Yeonjun squeal in joy. "Yes, thank you thank you!", the child screeched happily before hugging Jungkook tightly who was surprised by this sudden affection but smiled gently, engulfing the tiny boy with his arms. His heart warmed by the cute sight of Yeonjun and he was so focused on Yeonjun that he didn't notice Taehyung looking thoughtfully at him.

"How about you go to my housekeeper and she helps you choose some swimming shorts, tiger?", Jungkook suggested, he might or might not have bought a few things for Yeonjun since he was determined to woo the kid's father and maybe wanted the two to spend time in his mansion already. Yeonjun nodded happily, jumping off of Jungkook's lap, shortly running over to his father and pecking his cheek before messily running out of the living room.

Leaving Jungkook and Taehyung alone.

"Hey cub", Jungkook grinned widely, playing with the smooth fabric of the couch. Once Taehyung looked up, he was pinned down by Jungkook's hot stare, gulping intimidated. "H-hi", he stuttered out, embarrassed from how affected he got but Jungkook simply cooed at him. "You're so cute, little cub", Jungkook said amused before he dropped one hand into his lap, patting his thigh. "C'mere", he said softly, making Taehyung flush an even darker shade of red.

"U-uh, I-I what?", he squeaked surprised, not ready to actually get up. "Don't be shy, cub. Come and sit on my lap", Jungkook said softly, he wasn't being demanding, eyeing Taehyung with fond eyes, trying not to sound intimidating or scary since he knew that Taehyung was afraid of him and his status. And the pretty photographer was actually the first Jungkook didn't want to scare away.

"I'm not going to do anything to you. Just wanna have a little talk with you, cub", and maybe it was the final familiar nickname or the warmth in Jungkook's voice that mad Taehyung said fuck it. He shyly walked over to Jungkook, cheekily sitting down next to the mobster. The black haired man growled, pulling Taehyung onto his lap and the cute male blushed by their sudden close proximity.

"Much more better", Jungkook purred. Taehyung hit his chest embarrassed, whining softly which resulted in a rumbling laughter coming from Jungkook which secretly made Taehyung's heart flip. The mob boss was glad to see his cub relax in his hold, even secretly snuggling into his chest. "You like kids", Taehyung silently said after a while, surprising Jungkook with this sudden statement.

"I like Yeonjun, yes", Jungkook replied, already regretting in asking Taehyung to sit on his lap. Because first, he was a feared mob boss for god's sake and here he was playing Dad for a child and flirting with his father! And second, maybe he had a boner because Taehyung's plump ass was pressed against his growing bulge. "He's adorable. Almost as much as his father", Jungkook really couldn't stop himself from flirting with the cute male, he really couldn't.

It's been a while since he last felt this alive but whenever he was with Taehyung he felt the rush of life in his veins again, the excitement in being with one specific person. Feelings he was afraid of and now was longing for. And Jungkook really started to ask himself if this was adorable little cub would have the power to conquer his heart.


I'm so so happy to see that my nasties are enjoying this story! Love you<3


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