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"Okay, we almost convinced everyone to give you a chance, this is great process!", Taehyung cheered while Jungkook was busy staring at his cub, wishing to just plant the adorable male onto his lap and kiss him senseless. All of the other guests must've senses his love sick behavior by now since he was constantly staring at Taehyung.

Jeon Jungkook has really gotten soft and he didn't mind one bit. None of his business partners nor his enemies have found out about his precious cub so his life was really fucking great at the moment, plus it seemed like Taehyung's friends who were considered family by his cub, seemed to slowly accept him.

He only had to face Yeonjun's mother now and then he was practically part of the family. Okay, maybe not since he still had one important thing to do but he was focusing on the more scary part for now. And that was facing the woman he should hate for hurting Taehyung and Yeonjun but on the other side, how could he hate the woman behind the creation of the small miracle named Yeonjun? He was definitely excited.

"Excellent", Jungkook said dazed. The two couples on the couch snickered at his behavior, seeming to calm down when they saw how gently Jungkook was treating Taehyung, staring at him as if he was the center of his universe, playing so carefully with Yeonjun and staring fondly at the both of them. It seemed hard to believe that this man was a feared and searched criminal, a mob boss when he was so nice and collected, so polite and never leaving Taehyung's side.

"He might be really a good match for our TaeTae", Seokjin whispered fondly to his boyfriend who was busy shoving some dumplings into his mouth, nodding with full cheeks. He only grumbled in return while watching how Taehyung dragged Jungkook into the kitchen.

"Woah, I thought you were eaten already", Jimin smirked amused and sipped on his drink, Taehyung's good scotch. The photographer had to laugh by the offended look from the male by his side. "Well, I managed to make him survive", Taehyung giggled amused and Jimin toasted at him before downing the entire alcohol down his throat. "I suppose you're in search for Yeonjun's mother", Jimin spoke nonchalantly, looking so utterly comfortable while filling his glass another time.

"You're the driver for today", Jungkook frowned but Jimin only lifted his glass mockingly. "Nope, not after this glass, Jeon", the hacker smirked evilly before sipping on the scotch. "Fantastic choice of alcohol by the way, Taehyung. Not with your men but who am I to judge", Jimin commented and Taehyung blushed a bit.

"So, this is the infamous man who wishes to get into your heart?", a new voice said, usually sounding gentle and controlled but which now sounded suspicious and clearly upset. "Noona, hi! Um Jungkook, this is my best friend", Taehyung squeaked before smiling at Jisoo. "Jisoo, this is my Jungkook", Taehyung said and realized his mistake too late when Jimin was already laughing and he went beet red.

"U-um a-ah, I m-mean", he stuttered out but Jungkook has already stretched his hand out, smiling widely at Jisoo, his heart nearly exploding from his cub's cuteness and he was going to make sure that the adorable male was going to get lots of kisses later. "Hello, I'm his Jungkook", he smirked and heard Taehyung whine by his side. "Way to fuck up", the photographer grumbled while Jisoo only frowned.

"I guess everything I can say now, you hurt him, we fuck you all up. Tae's really amazing and he deserves to be happy", she stated and Jungkook's smile turned icy cold. "Since you couldn't give him that. I'll gladly take him as mine and appreciate him without making him a child and leaving", he smiled sweetly. Taehyung gasped, Jisoo smiled falsely and Jimin behind them was having the time of his life.

"That stung but I deserved that. I guess we're even now?", Jisoo asked, not really minding the comment and shooting Taehyung a reassuring smile who went beet red once again. "If you don't try the stunt again", the mobster grinned like a chesire cat now, feeling more brave now since he has managed to go through all of Taehyung's Hyungs and the other idol group. He was positive nothing was going to mess with his emotions now.

But then Yoongi and Hoseok had to walk into the kitchen as well.

"Hey, we just wanted to inform you that Yeonjun wants to unpack his presents but won't do it without his Appa- oh my god!! JIMIN?!", Hoseok stopped himself right in his sentence and stared shocked at the male leaning against the kitchen wall with another glass of scotch in his ringed fingers, hair styled out of his face.

The other three almost turned comically at the said male, their jaws hung ajar while the most stunned and horrified were clearly Yoongi and Hoseok. Jimin just sipped on his drink. "Well, this is awkward", he chuckled before throwing the two a sultry gaze out of hooded eyes. "Didn't know you two were here too", he grumbled, lifting his glass another time and never leaving the two with his eyes.

"What the fuck? How do you know each other?!", Taehyung gasped while Jungkook seemed to regret to be so confident with his happiness. "Oh, you know Taehyungie", Jimin started, picking on his nails bored while Yoongi threw glares towards his direction.

"A few drinks in a club led to a very fun night, then I wake up all alone and not even a message of these two lovebirds", Jimin threw the two a cold smile. Hoseok immediately protested. "You fucking asshole! YOU left US alone! You disappeared like nothing and besides, it was a mistake anyways", Hoseok spat while pulling a dazed and surprisingly silent Yoongi close.

"Whatever you're saying Honey", Jimin threw him a wink, not even bothered by their shocked faces to see him. "But if I have left my number, you cuties would've called me for sure", Jimin chuckled, only riling Hoseok's anger up. Taehyung finally unfroze and interrupted them.

"Okay, no stop! Keep that drama out of my son's birthday party! You can go throw things at each other outside my apartment, thank you. Junnie wants to unpack his presents so I'd be grateful we could all go into the living room", Taehyung ordered sternly and glared at the others. "Sure, Sweetie. Your fierce ass is going to be a handful for Jeon, that's for sure", Jimin laughed lowly before taking his glass and walking past Hoseok and Yoongi, purposely nudging them.

"What is that Kdrama and were can I sign out", Taehyung sighed and massaged his temple before dragging Jungkook back into the living room where Yeonjun has started unpacking already, happily yelling for his Appa and 'Uncle Google' to come sit next to him.

Or Jungkook might've just mistaken Uncle Googie for Uncle Google, who knows.


Haha I HAD to bring this joke inside the story. What do you think about Yoonminseok's relationship? I also love how sassy Jimin is, that's so hot *-*


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