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"Are you sure this is the right address? I was here before but it seems different... like when we're invited", Jimin remarked with a playful frown towards his boss who seemed very much nervous. "Do you think we're overdressed?", Jungkook asked nervously while fiddling with his tie with one hand, the other tightly gripping a beautiful banquet of white roses.

"No, what gave you the idea?", Jimin huffed sarcastically, fixing his black leather jacket over his suit. Both of the men were wearing suits as a very nervous Jungkook has insisted on this formal attire, wanting to make a first good expression.

He wanted Taehyung's friends and family to like him. Like really like. Because he was hoping to ask Taehyung to be his boyfriend at the end of the day. His cub wasn't going to become another man's boyfriend anyways.

As if Jungkook was allowing that to happen.

"Shut up and stay close to me, don't embarrass me and stay polite", Jungkook huffed, finally reaching the door. "Oh, I'm sure you will do it just fine already", Jimin grumbled before throwing Jungkook a fake smile.


"Do you think he'll talk to me today?", Jisoo asked nervously, not being the only one to be nervous while walking behind Taehyung who threw her a gentle smile. "You're here. All that kids care about is who's with them and who isn't", the photographer said gently, squeezing Jisoo's shoulder.

"Hey Junnie, here's someone who wants to talk to you", the brunet said towards his happy grinning son who has been taken piggy back by Hoseok. Yoongi stood next to them in the kitchen, his hand resting on Hoseok's shoulder while talking to Namjoon.

The two came right after the girls, immediately greeting the birthday boy and his flushed father before giving Yeonjun his presents which the boy excitedly took. It wasnt that often he saw all of his godparents and uncles together, being incredibly happy and showing them around, showing them his room and his new toys Taehyung as gifted him.

"Appa who-- oh. Hello", Yeonjun huffed at the end, turning a bit away from the woman standing his Taehyung's side and Taehyung looked at her worried. Jisoo simply smiled sadly in return. "Hey Junnie. Happy birthday, Sweetheart", Jisoo spoke softly but all Yeonjun offered her was a huff.

"Junnie's a nickname for people I like", the child said stubbornly and Hoseok looked surprised at the pouting child in his arms. Yeonjun was a Sweetheart, always polite and such an angel that ot was surprising to see him biting such a comment at someone.

But Taehyung understood his son's grief against his mother but still felt sad about his feelings, not wanting the two to be in some sort of clinch since the both of them were highly important to him. "Junnie, hey that's your mother", he spoke softly to his pouting son who looked at him with sparkling eyes.

"Someone's who not here always!", Yeonjun furiously exclaimed, words slurring like always when he was angry. "Tae, maybe I'll go... I dont want to ruin his birthday", Jisoo said pained, she hated how much she missed her son and regretted her decisions she has made in the past.

"No. Junnie, Baby, you know that Appa loves you to death, right? Well here is someone who loves you as much as I do. I know you're angry with her but she's really trying. Can you go talk to her? She came just to see you", the petite photographer spoke with tender voice and Yeonjun's furious expression softened.

"For my Appa", he nodded in agreement, demanding for Hoseok to put him down on the ground. "Thank you, Junnie. You're the best. My big boy, you're so mature already, I'm so proud", Taehyung said, hugging Yeonjun tightly and the kid giggled.

"Appa, no!", he laughed happily, placing a very wet kiss to his father's cheek. "Love you lots, Appa. No one can be you", the little brunet whispered and Taehyung's heart felt like it was going to explode. "Love you too, Baby", he cooed softly.

The doorbell rang, signaling Taehyung that the last guests have arrived. Jungkook and Jimin. Oh this was going to be something. "I'll go answer the door!", he said hurried, ruffling Yeonjun's hair.

"Go talk to her, Junnie", he said sternly but also playfully and Yeonjun nodded so hard, his locks flew around his small face. "Go great my guests, Appa!", the child demanded. "Brat", Taehyung grumbled but quickly walked to the door before someone else could open the door.

Unfortunately, someone already did. And that was none other than Seokjin glaring at a gulping Jungkook who was holding a large bouquet or flowers in his arms and a devilish grinning Jimin.

The drama was about to unfold.


A short update before the drama. I went to Amsterdam with my bestest friends today and it was amazing, we're on our way back so excuse all the mistakes because I'm pretty tired:)


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