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Seoul might appear peaceful to most people, peaceful, quiet and without any troubles to worry about. Which was exactly the trap many innocent people have fallen for.

Seoul was anything but perfect, messy, grey, smokey. And the main domicile of the mobster Jeon Jungkook. Whatever went wrong in this city, was managed by him. If you wanted to get past the rules and the government, you would go to him.

Everything had a prize and it also included Jeon's services. You buy something from him, he'll get something in return. Jeon's empire was built on trust, information and ruthless violence if you don't deliver what he wants.

Jungkook had his connections everywhere, nothing happened without him knowing. Some secretly said that he was the government.

And his name? Feared. Whispered in shallow breaths and behind hands, trembling whenever one of his men came in sight. His right hand, Park Jimin was almost as feared as he always came instead of Jungkook whenever things started to get spicy.

He was the infamous hacker who could get every information as fast as the snap of fingers, the brain behind the operations and Jeon's most skilled fighter right after himself.

Jeon's empire is not to be questioned. And if people still did they had to face the consequences. And what was it if you may ask?



Jungkook's cold gaze moved over the kneeling men on the ground, his hard eyes making them tremble in fear. "So all of you betrayed me", the hard words caused one man to break down, throwing himself to the ground in front of Jungkook but was roughly yanked upwards. These men were traitors, betraying the mobster boss by selling information to his rival Park.

"I am so sorry!", the weakest man of them cried out but was silenced by a growl. "Shut the fuck up", Park Jimin sneered while Jungkook only coldly stared down at the traitors. "I don't take betrayal easily and I won't leave traitors unpunished. You think you can go against me?", Jungkook chuckled at the end, cold eyes now turning perilous. "You wanted to protect your families, didn't you? I offered you shelter and this is how you repay me?", now all of the four men were squirming under his powerful stare.

"My protection is gone now and your families are free prey. You betray me? I'll fucking hunt you down", Jungkook spat with hatred lacing in his eyes. "And I don't take back betrayers. But if you think I'll make it easy for you and kill you, you're mistaken", an evil grin now formed on his face, making the men tremble in fear.

"I won't kill you. I'll torture you for the rest of your life because when you decided to sell my hard work, you chose this", Jungkook coldly spat before turning on his heels, not even sparing the screaming men a second glance. His right hand followed him right on the spot.

"How much could you save?", Jungkook asked, bulky arms crossed behind his back while Jimin pulled out his tablet, swipping it open before going to check Jungkook's requested information. "About a three quarter of the sold information, fortunately. Park paid them a huge amount of money to get at you", Jimin informed him, warily looking over to his boss but also best friend.

Being a mobster was a cruel life, it required coldness and absolutely inhumanity. Jungkook has always been cold but becoming a mobster completely destroyed the rest of his emotions. Jimin has always watched this worried but it couldn't be stopped, Jungkook has entered this life and wasn't going to turn back anytime soon.

The two left the building complex, bodyguards immediately surrounding them and Jungkook was still looking emotionless around, taking the surroundings in and analyzing the situation before nodding curtly. "Good", he said shortly before fixing his perfect black suit jacket, his jet black hair pulled out of his handsome face, strong defined jaw and thick black brows dominated his face and demanding respect. The cold calculating eyes and the confident nose completed the picture, showing clearly that this man was a person of power.

No one could approach Jeon Jungkook without his notice nor did he accept touches against his will, not fond of love and affection, the only friendship shared with Jimin whom he knew for his entire life.

So why didn't he see the little toddler coming up his way, running past his surprised guards and jumping forward to attach himself to his waist?

"P-please help me find my A-Appa!"

Jungkook stared surprised at the little child, an adorable boy with brown puppy eyes and a messy mob of brown locks who was clinging so cutely and abruptly to him.

Not knowing that meeting this little kid would change his life.


Hah, I'm really motivated that's why you're getting this many updates today:)


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