I'm Sorry

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*A/N: there is violence so beware at your own risk*

*Daniels P.O.V*

After an hour and a half drive, we came to a semi-big house. "This is it... you'll find him somewhere inside."

I grabbed her arm and dragged her up the stairs to the door and kicked it open. "Alright, I'm here now let her go!"

Yes I know I'm dumb for going to a place like this alone only armed with what I took off of Maddison, but they did the one thing they will regret, they kidnapped my girl, or used to be my girl. "Well, well, well he actually showed up. I really wished you would have sent a message beforehand so I could have cleaned up a bit, but I guess this will have to do... come, come, come follow me, and we shall decide your fate." and so I did.

"Daniel!" I turned around to see one of my closest friends I had when I was still in the gang, Micheal, we sort of grew apart the last couple years because well, you know the stories, he fell in love, got married, had a kid, but sadly his wife died almost 2 years ago, so he's been raising Abby by himself with his sisters help. I would also help him out too when I had a chance... well more like I took her off of his hands and spoiled her... she is my goddaughter after all. "You have some allies here, all you have to do is give the word and we will show our faces... but only when you give the word." I nodded and gave him our signal that we used years ago if we knew we would be in trouble- let's just say this isn't the first time one of us had to go in a room alone with someone dangerous. The sign meant 'if I'm not back in 20 do whatever you gotta do to get me out- dead or alive' once he nodded I started to head toward where B.M. was knowing was about to come.

I walked in the room B.M. just walked into. it was dark, cold, and a little stuffy. I looked at the only place that has light. it was a desk that has a briefcase and behind it was B.M. in a chair with his feet on the desk. "What's your plan, Bennett? Kill Me? use me as an example? you realize that if you kill me, by the time you get back to the actual base there will be offices ready to arrest all of you." and that's when someone came up behind me and put me in a chokehold. "Bonjour vieil ami ... tu m'as manqué? Parce que tu m'as manqué. Surtout nos combats de mort imminente comme celui-ci seront ... mais la seule différence est que vous serez mort et que je serai en vie." (Hello old friend ... did you miss me? Because I missed you. Especially our near-death fights like this will be ... but the only difference is that you will be dead and I will be alive.)

I know that voice. "Bonjour Liam, bien sûr, tu m'as manqué, bien que triste de dire que ce ne sera pas moi qui mourrai aujourd'hui, ce sera vous deux." (Hello Liam, of course, I missed you, though sad to say I will not be the one to die today it will be you both.) then caught him off guard and threw him off, Liam is not just any he is the second-best at combat, under me of course. But the point is he knows his stuff, and he knows his opponent's weakness, Alice... I used to know his but he is long gone. He tried to get out of the gang but Bennett wouldn't let him, so to get out he killed himself.

"Mon frère n'est plus ici, donc ça ne sert à rien d'utiliser vos anciennes tactiques mais vous savez qu'il n'y a que quatre personnes dans cette maison qui savent où est votre bien-aimée, et seulement trois qui connaissent son état, les deux ici et le médecin qui l'a déclarée morte." (My brother is not here anymore, so there is no point of using your old tactics but you know there are only four people in this house that knows where your beloved is, and only three that knows her condition, the two in here and the doctor that pronounced her dead.)

No, this can't be true, she has to be alive. "Damn it! I promised everyone I'd bring her back." and this gave him the perfect chance to put me in a behind arm lock. damn it! he was able to distract me- I should know by now to never drop my guard with Liam.

It started with a pick up lineOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora