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"GET UP WE ARE  GOING TO PARIS" "hmmm" i open my eyes "we... are... going...to....PARIS" i just role over "ALICE GET UP WE ARE GOING TO BE LATE!!!!" "fiiiivee more minutes...." all of a sudden i feel my ankle have a tug on and suddenly i'm on the floor "come on alice i finally talked your school into letting you come to Paris for you 19th birthday so come on...." i just grumble again and then all of the sudden i feel cold and wet and then i realized what she did "BLOODY HELL ANA  WHAT WAS THAT FOR" she put her hands up in surrender "hey i told you to get up so GET UP WE ARE GOING TO BE LATTE" "fine i'm up i'm up but first..." i grab the whipped cream on my night stand and started to spray it "i'm getting payback" and then when they can was out i quickly grabbed my stuff and then ran out the door "COME ON WE ARE GOING TO BE LATE" i just hear her sigh "alice your in wet clothes get changed and then we will goo" i turn around "now who's fault is that and that reminds me how did you get into my dorm it's not visiting hours yet so what gives?" she just grins "i may or may not be dating your hot head master so he gave me a pass" i just roll my eyes and head to grab a change of clothes to change into.
—18 hours later—
"ahhh we are finally here can't you believe it" i just roll my eyes and then ana drags me out of the airport "come on let's go put our stuff in the hotel and then let's go site seeing" i just sigh "how about we go to the hotel and sleep cause idk maybe it's 2 in the morning and after that 6 hour delay in Oregon and then the other 8 hours i am tired now let's go to the hotel and sleep" she grumbled fine and went to get us a cab. when we got there they asked if we only need one key which ana agreed to and then we went up to our room and i flopped in my bed and slept for the rest of the night
—2 in the afternoon—
"alice get up let's go to a art museum" i groan i hate art museums there normally boring "fine i'll just go find hot guys at the museum without you" i just roll my eyes in my pillow and said "your dating my headmaster remember" i hear her chuckle and then she said "damn i thought that would work it normally does but i guess not but fine you still have to come with i don't care if you don't come in the museum but you do have to stay around the area....ok?" i just grumble hoping she would get the sign and go away but she doesn't i hear her walk to the bathroom and pour some water in a cup and then she dumps it on me "ugh why is it that you have to dump cold water on me when i don't wake up" she just walks to the phone and pushes some numbers "hello? we need new sheets we had a accident with some water" and then she hangs up and she turned to me and said "because it's the only way i can wake you up now i laid out clothing in the bathroom for you go get changed so we can leave." while ana was in the museum i went around looking at the shops and then i saw a crepes shop mmm i love crèpes but it looks full i should just bring ana with me tomorrow... OMG ITS A BOOK STORE i quickly walk to it and walk in as i was going in i bumped into someone and fell onto the concert "OMG are you ok?!?!" i make a small soft laugh "yea i'm ok... hi i'm alice" "oh i'm alex i'm so sorry about that my brother was calling after me" "well i better not keep you..." "oh your not he's basically down a couple stores i was saposed to watch my younger brother here but my twin chris needs me and says it's urgent... i'm sorry i do this often when i'm stressed i just ramble on and on no matter to who i'm talking to... oh uh what were we talking about again?" i chuckle and say "you were going to see your twin..." "OH YEA well i better get going i'm sorry about that uhhhh bye and hope to see you again." such a strange guy i walk i started to walk around to find the mystery section while i'm reading the back of a book i hear "I'm not a hoarder but I really want to keep you forever.♡" i rolled my eyes to that i love pick up lines but that was cheesy and adorable at the same time i turn to look at who it was and to my surprise he looks just like that guy that ran into me but different hair style/color and different eye color he looks to be at least 6'5 he's skinny with fluffy black hair, his light gray eyes oh he so cute "nice pick up line now if you excuse me i'm trying to read this book." i say as i turn away from him "Roses are red, I have a crush, whenever I'm around you, all I do is blush♡" i turn back towards him "so is this what you always do hang around this bookstore and tell girls pick up lines..." he chuckles and says "nope only to you baby girl" i just role my eyes and start to walk away and towards the cash register "look how bout this lets hang out together for the rest of the day and if you don't like it then i won't ask for your number and i'll leave you alone... deal?"  i just sigh "look i would but i can't i have to meet up with my sister after she's done with the museum which should be soon..." *ding ding* ana: met some people at the museum we are going to look at more museum and such meet at hotel between 9-10 "so you can come good!" i sigh and roll my eyes "fine..." and then i pay for my book and he grabs my hand and says "come on my brothers are waiting outside" he drags me outside and then i see alex and i guess his twin chris "so we meet again ms alice how's your head?" i look at the mystery guy and chris "i bumped into her with the door as i was coming to see YOU cause you said it was urgent when the urgent was you couldn't figure out what to put on your crepe... sorry i'm rambling again" i laugh a small quiet laugh and said "it fine..." and then turned to chris   "so you must chris, the twin" "well then since you know my brothers i guess i'll introduce myself i'm daniel but my friends call me danny... soo about that date" i sigh "it's not a date now can we go? so i can go back to my bed..." danny grins and then says "yea sure... alex tell ma i'm hanging with a friend...." alex mumbles a sure and him and chris walk away "so where do you want to go?" and then he grabs my hand and we start walking
"WAKE UP WE ARE GOING TO PARIS" what "alice i said we are going to paris now get up" this feels like déjà vu "alice i swear if you don't get up i'll pour this ice... cold... water on you so get up your friends are going to be here so to see you off so GET UP" "fiiivvvveee more minutes..." i grumble and then *splash* i feel wet and cold

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