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we continued to walk until we got to his house when we walked in Chris and alex ran in "thank god your finally I'm starving" danny sighs "sorry Chris I stopped for a while at the shop cause I saw mon amour" alex chuckles "so alice how aren't you tired of him yet" I shrugged "I don't know but he's getting there" danny wrapped his arm around me "oh come on mon amour I know your starting to warm up on me" I roll my eyes and then I heard another voice "daniel is that you honey I sent you about a hour ago what happened" she pokes her head out of the doorway and then her face lights up "daniel who is this" she comes over to me and hold out her hand "hello I'm Luna I'm sorry if my sons are bothering especially Chris and daniel their a handful but thankfully they have alex to set them in place from time to time" I shook her hand "I'm Alice and no they are fine" she nodded and Chris smirked "so will you be joining us it's rare daniel brings home a girl" I smile "I already ate so no daniel promised to show me around and he said he had to stop at home before he shows me around" Luna nodded and motioned everyone to the dining room "chase dear daniel brought a friend home... so be nice" he nodded "I'm chase it's very nice to meet you" I nodded "I'm Alice it's very nice to meet you too sir" he chuckles "oh please don't call me sir, chase is fine... so what brings you here I heard you aren't from France and you come from the united states" I give him a slight smile "yea I'm not from here my older sister decided to bring me here to get away from school work and it's been a dream of ours to home to Paris and see the Eiffel tower and other things" Luna smiles "how long are you and you sister here for?" "We are here until two weeks before Christmas that way I can catch up on my work and then I'm spending my break with my family and friends." "So alice how is it where you live?" chase looked at alex and alex shrugged "uh well its ok I guess it has its up and downs but yea its good." And they continued eating while talking.

"hey sorry if it was awkward back there we are planning on moving and ma and pops haven't decided where we are going yet" I nodded "hey... I have a question" "what is it?" "did you scrape your knees?" he gives me a confused looks "what???" I laugh "did you scrape you knees?" he sighs "why would my knees be scraped I mean when I was high school but I barley get in fights anymore" "are you sure they're not scraped?" "ye- no I don't know if their scraped" he pulls up his pants and there was a scrape thank god "hmm I don't know how that got there.... Or how you knew" I chuckle "you probably got it when you fell for me..." he smirks "ha-ha very funny but that's not going to get you a point" I smirk and step towards him and there was a tint of red on his cheeks "see I do get a point" his face gets redder "hey that's cheating" I smirk "nope you said nothing about that so yes I do get a point now it's a tie." "Hmm I have a idea instead of sightseeing how about I take you to a place where I like going to, it's a clearing and it's absolutely breathtaking ... but not as breathtaking as you..." I huff "now it's not a tie it two to one" I smirk "your right I do have two points" he smirks " you wish" I grin "and my wish came true" "what wish... that you get to spend more time with me" and then he grins and I roll my eyes "pff yea right... no my wish is..." *perfect two starts playing* "sorry one of my best friends are calling" I take a couple steps away from him "rose this better be good" "geez sorry but I have something very important I must ask you!!!!!" I sigh "if it's about me finding you two boyfriends no I haven't" she chuckles and then I heard carters voice in the background "did you ask her yet" I sigh "what are you supposed to ask me???" and then they started to whisper argue "rose, carter what are you going to ask me" they continued to argue and then carter gave up and took the phone "so we hear you found a guy" I sigh "how did you find that out?!" "welp you sister posted a picture on her insta and well... who is he!!!" "remind me to yell at her and he's just a friend so..." I felt something on my head I look up and I see him resting his chin on head pouting "would you stop that..." "who are you talking to mon amour" I turn to him "I'm talking to my friends, what's wrong?" he pouts "is he the mystery man that YOU didn't tell us about and that we had to find out cause you sister posted a picture of you two saying 'theses two are sooo adorable'" I sigh "mon amour you're supposed to be with me..." "geez your impatient hold on and then we can go" his face lights up and he says "okay!!!" "so alice does he have any-" I stopped her "yes carter he does have brothers no I'm not going to set you up" "awwee can you at least send us pictures?!?!?!" I feel someone move my arm and take my phone "hey danny give me back my phone!!!" "hey... uh carter??? or is it rose... uh either way I can talk to my brothers and get a picture or two now if you excuse me I'm going to steal mon amour from you..." I hear a bye and then danny handed back my phone. "so about that place..." I laugh "so you actually going to talk to your brothers for them...?" he chuckled "anything for mon amour now let's go." I sigh and walk next to him "so where are you taking me" he smirks "the Eiffel tower..." "I thought you were taking me to you favorite place?" "I am I'm taking you to the top of it... but first we are going to my second favorite place" "and what is your second favorite place???" "it's a big clearing" I chuckle and mock a salute to him "aye aye sir" and with that he laughs
we just got to the clearing and it is amazing there is a little old rail road track and a lot of tall grass and flowers "you can close your mouth now... unless your mouth is open so I can kiss it" and then he winked "you wish anyway I see why you like this place so much" he held out his hand "come on lets go sit somewhere" I take his hand and we go so a little part that's nice to sit at. "so want to play 20 questions?" I nod "ok you first ..." "hmm most favorite pick up line?" I think "oh I got one if there were any words to describe how hot you are, Webster would have to make a whole new dictionary Just to describe your smallest feature." "hmm ill have to remember that one..." "ok my turn favorite thing to do when bored?" "hmm that will probably play guitar with chris and alex"

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