Come on Ducky!!

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*there is some violence of sort*

"Ruby, what's today's date?" She looks over at me and then at her phone, "The ninth, why?" I just shrugged as I walked in the theater's doors with Abby on my leg, "I don't know, I was just wondering that's all." I finally got off bed rest and I'm scheduled to meet the doctor in a couple of hours. "You know Alice, I admire you, you have been here for weeks held against your will, you haven't even put up a fight when B.M. is nearby or when he isn't even here, how do you do it? All the other people we have kept captive always tried to pick a fight or run away." I sat down on the recliner and shrugged. "I think it's because I know Daniel will come, but I think it's just an instinct, like I know as long as I don't get in the way I won't get as hurt. Come on let's start this movie before I have to go see the doc." She nodded as she got up to turn the lights off and hit play.

**********************"Alice, it's good to see you are back up on your feet." While on bed rest due to my back I had many tests done it the doc would be in the room at least 5 times during the day, and he always had a worried face and he timidly wrapped my wounds."Alice, there something you need to know..." and with what he said what followed made my heart clench."No, no no no no. This can't be true... please tell me you are lying."He looked down at his feet for a moment then sighed and looked back at me. "I'm sorry Alice but it's true, and we can't do much about it, we can try to get rid of it, but I don't have the coalification to do this, and B.M. has a strict rule that you can't leave... I'm sorry but until he gets what he wants I can't help you, I can give you some medication that will slow the growth but that's all I can do. I'm sorry Alice." He gave me a sad look and then got up to open the door."I'll give you till about this time tomorrow to think about it, but I do think the medication is the best thing for you right now, I am going to continue to try and get B.M. to at least let you see a specialist but I'm not sure what he'll say though.". I gave him a small smile, everyone, well almost everyone has been nice to me although I am their captive and I started to head back to my room to process everything I was just told."Hey watch it... oh, it's you, I see he permitted you to leave your room... I still think he should have left you in that cell, I heard you got a good whipping, I'm sorry it couldn't have been me that did it." I know that voice, I look back up to see the guy that first took me to my room. I rolled my eyes and got up and started to walk past him. All of a sudden he grabs my wrist."What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?" I looked at him then tried to yank my wrist from but it didn't work, he only made it tighter and swung me back towards him."Just so you know love, when Daniel comes to save this pretty face of yours, B.M. will kill him... and do you know where I will be then...?" He said as was caressing my cheek with his free hand and then grabbing my jaw. "I. will. be. right. next. to. him. learning how he does it so I can take over the gang when B.M. leaves, maybe if you be a good little girl I'll let you stand by my side." he said as his face grew closer and his voice going into a whisper. Before he could do anything I kneed him where the sun doesn't shine and stomped on his foot. sadly that didn't break the tension on my wrist, it only made it tighter. "Love, if I were you I wouldn't do that again." he said gritting through his teeth as he made his grip even tighter if that were possible. he then pulled me down so I was on his level and whispered in my ear. "Don't do that again or next you will be punished... and this time I'll be doing the punishing." and with that, he got up, let go of my wrist and walked down the stairs as if nothing happened.*Maddisons P.O.V.*Daniel is getting more suspicious as the days go by but I don't think he'll say anything. There is some big date or something, the notification popped up this morning on Alice's phone which means it must be a big date, and if I want to not be discovered yet I need to go to it. "Babe come on you really can't still be mad at me. What about my big apology?" Carter stopped dead in her tracks took a deep breath and spun around, she then gave him a sweet smile and walked over to him. She then caressed his cheek and grazed his lips and chuckled and whispered. "Oh Chirs, you don't understand women do you?" she then turned on her heels and walked away while swinging her hips leaving him completely stunned. "H-H-How... the fuck... is she so hot when she is pissed," he said in an excited tone and started to go the way she just went. Just then Daniel walks in and plops down next to me. "You ready for tonight! everyone is coming here for the season finale." Who? What? I guess this is that party that popped up this morning. "Who all will be here again?" Daniel gave me a questioning look. "Hon, this is your apartment, how do you not remember who you invited?" I just shrugged and kissed him and made up an excuse so he wouldn't suspect anything. "I don't know, you know how I forget things easily." he gave me a questioning look and then we heard, "Come on ducky! Please open the door. " and then all of a sudden we heard the door swing open with Carter in one of the many sweatshirts she stole from Chris which is a bit baggy considering she is tiny compared to him. Carter walked out to the kitchen grabbed a drink and waved at us, then Chris wrapped his arms around her and threw her over her shoulder. "Chris I swear put me down!" Chris just shrugged and started walking back to her room. "There is no way in hell you are going to wear just that tonight, especially since there will be other guys here. Now you are going to change or you will stay in your room all night." and with that Chris plopped her in her room and closed the door while holding it so she couldn't come out. then we could here him slight mumble. "God why are you such a tease." and that's when she opened up the door with sweatpants on and plopped next to me and Chris followed. That's when the door opened with Rose and Alex then Larsen and then some girl, once she walked in she stopped dead in her tracks and said. "You're not Alice..."

It started with a pick up lineWhere stories live. Discover now