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(a.n: this goes with the same conversation as the last chapter)
*alexs pov*
"hey is alice there....good does she have her phone on? can you ask? and that's why you ask... just ask"
"so why are we doing this again??" i stare at chris "hmmm let's see our lil bro locked himself in his room cause the girl he likes left and he didn't say goodbye annnd she isn't answering... that's why"
" ok so she does have her phone on her... how is this up to ME what am i supposed to do tell her to turn on her phone or to tell daniel "hey buddy she has her phone off just wait till she turns it back on..."... well i can't he locked himself in his room... how is this MY fault... i thought she already told him... don't well me just tell her to turn her phone back on... because i want my brother to stop being depressed... yea but... look i'm sorry i just want daniel to be ok... are you ok... well i have to go don't forget... bye princess..."
"well hopefully she turns her phone on soon..."
*two weeks later*
daniels still depressed he refuses to go to his morning classes and when me or chris i we should ask about her not answering he would just say he didn't care about it anymore more and just to leave it alone. "hey mom did you guys pick where we are moving to..." she puts her hand on my fathers shoulder after putting dinner on the table. " well honey, me and you dad decided to take you guys to america for christmas. we are going to see this town that alice lives at and if it seems like nice place we will move there..." after she said that we heard thumping and then a door slam.
*daniels pov*
oh my gosh i get to see again. WHAT IF SHE DOESNT WANT TO SEE ME. Oh shiz oh shiz i think I'm going to die... I picked up my phone and i was going to try one more time. I found her name in my contacts and hit call, after a few buzzes I hear "I'm sorry the person you are calling either has their phone off or you are blocked" damn I keep getting that I've texted, called, I've done everything you name I've tried it. I heard someone knocking "so I'm guessing you heard mom..." i got up to answer and then I stopped "what is for dinner?" He sighed and chuckled at the same time "so you're not going to comment on us going there..." I continued to the door and then opened it slowly. "You didn't answer, what's for dinner?" He puts his hands up in surrender. "She made homemade pizza." I nodded "give me a minute and I'll be out for dinner..."
*carter pov*
Me and Rose haven't heard anything about Daniel from Alice, we would ask chris and alex about it but they only said daniel gave up.
*rose pov*
I was just leaving the library when my phone goes off, I try to get it out of my pocket but I ended up falling down the stairs since I tripped on my own two feet. My books were everywhere so I tried to pick it all up but someone started help. When we were done I looked at the person "hey... I'm sorry about calling off that date..." he looks at me "oh uh it's ok its not like I spent all week preparing for it" he scratched the back of his head, dang it I hate when he did this I would always give in. "Look i am sorry alice came home and then we were busy..." "well me and mack are going to the basketball game tonight so if you want me and you can date up and you can bring carter for-" he was then cut off by my phone I looked at this this time
"Hey what's up"
"Uhhhh what"
"Well it's two things.."
"Okaaay now tell me??"
"Daniel is now talking more and he isn't in his room all the time anymore!!!"
"That's great, what caused him to do that???"
"WE...ARE... COMING... TO...
"WHAT NO WAY!!!, when are you guys coming?"
"The week before Christmas"
"So next week?"
"Yep, well I have to go princess it's my turn to help at dads company"
"Bye princess"
I hung up and looked at elizer "I'm sorry as you were saying..." "oh um nevermind i uh have to go" I waved at him while saying awkwardly "ok... bye?"
When i got back into the dorm room I saw carter on the couch upside down watching tv "hey is Alice back yet?" She shook her head "good-" i sat down on next to her "GUESS WHAT!!!" She tried to lift her head "what?" "GUESS WHOS COMING TO PINE WOODS!!!!" She sat up ""WHO!!" I grinned "they are twins... they have a little brother that looks like the younger version of them..." "CHRIS, ALEX, AND DANIEL" i nodded my head "they are coming in next week and YOU will not speak a word to Alice about this, it's going to be a surprise"
*carters pov*
Me and rose were watching tv waiting for Alice to get back when their was a knock on the door I looked over at rose "she probably forgot her key... again" I got up to open it. When I opened it I saw "w-w-what are y-you doing here?" They smirked "what can't I take my favorite girl to the game tonight?"

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