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*2 days ago, Chris POV*
We were all sitting in the living room watching tv when our parents came in "why aren't you guys packed!!!!" "What do mean you said we were leaving next week..." i looked at them "well i meant we are leaving tonight and tomorrow you guys are going with your grandmother to a basketball game." We all groaned and got up "hurry up we don't want to be late." Well carter I guess this will be a surprise.
We are basically waiting on Daniel and Alex, so i knocked on Daniels door and waited for him to answer. When he finally opened the door i went in and sat on his bed. "So what are you going to do when you see her?" He shrugged "i have no idea but i have a feeling she wouldn't want to see me." He finished up with the last things an started to close his suit case. "So your saying that you are going to her town and not even going to do a romantic gesture?" He shook his head. "Are you at least going to try to talk to her?" He shook his head again "okay then..."
When we got there Daniels face was filled with mixed emotions. There was terrified and depressed mostly, i put my hand on his shoulder and he jumped a little. "Hey its ok your on vacation just relax and if you really don't want to see her then we wont..."
After the game we found our grandma and followed her out cause we were to busy picking each other. We stoped somewhere g-ma was talking to someone we really couldn't see so we continued messing around. I heard some parts and then when i heard carter i kept thinking 'maybe its her i could go over there and do what I've been waiting to do' but then Alex taped me on the shoulder and said "tag your it!" But it was easy to get him back. Yes I know we are in college but hey i still love playing kid games. Anyway i was running one way and Daniel was running the other... he went after me. I kept running and then he said "bro look out" which made me look over at him still running and then i ran into someone and falling with them. There she was carter was right there, i ended up landing where one hand was on one side her head and the other was on the other side. "Heh I'm sorry i guess I should have payed more attention..." all i would have to do is bend down and then I could kiss her, but her I guess brother pushed me off.
"How can that be they are not supposed to come until next week. "Yea ummmmm.... hey carter" her eyes grew wide and then she ran towards me and hugged "oh my god do you know how much I've been wanting to hug you....." i hugged her back and then shortly rose followed carters doing. After being questioned by g-ma and explaining everything she nodded and turned towards Danny "so did you-" I stopped her there and said "thats a touchy subject." Daniel then sighed and scratched the back of his neck. "So how is Alice?" Carter and rose looked at each other and then looked at him. "She seems fine but she hasn't really said anything and when brought anything up about you she would change the subject... sorry." There was a flash of sadness and then he shook his head "so what's next g-ma?" She hesitated on saying "w-we are going to a cafe... t-that Alice is working at...." he nodded.
*Alice's POV*
It's around 7:30 so they should be coming in soon. One of the guys one basketball team comes in with his super cute brother. His brother sits at a table while he comes and order "hey babe" he winks and grins. "Hey babe" i look over at the guy and he winks "so can i get 25% discount cause i am the best guy friend EVER" I chuckle "hmmm no but only because there are no deals for today... Sorry" he pouts "b-but babe" "no means no mason" he sighs "fine can i at least get my traditional kiss on the cheek since YOU left me lonesome"i chuckle while shaking my head "sure but only if you actually order this time..." he nodded and ordered "so now can i have that kiss" i roll my eyes and kiss his cheek. I made their orders and then served it. I was sitting my head on my hand while looking at the clock its now 7:45 and they still aren't here. I hear someone clear their throat i look up and it the brother "hey I have a complaint" i sat up a little "oh and what is your complaint?" I heard the door open but i was to lazy to look at who it was since there is a hot guy in front of me so.... "It's about this coffee cup" I look at the cup and then back at him "what's wrong its the only type of cup we have and besides we have to put your name on it-" i look back at the cup to see his name."Noah" he smirks "well its missing something.... Alice" i sigh "oh really what is it missing?" His smirk grows wider. "Its missing... your number" my eyes grew wider and i could feel the blush creep onto my face. "Is that supposed to be a pick up line?" He nodded and then the person behind him cleared his throat "you know mon amour if i knew that would have worked I would have totally used it." Oh no, there is only one person that calls me mon amour and that is d-Daniel. I turn towards him. "May i help you... sir?" a flash of jealousy shows in his eyes and then he says "no i was told to run in front of everyone else and tell sorry we are late and that they will be here shortly...." he turns around and walks to a table and sits, i turn back to Noah "so as you were saying"
*alex POV*
As we walked in Alice was flirting with someone and Daniel was sitting at a table glancing at her while tapping his foot. Rose and carter notice so they tell us to sit down and they will order. When we sat down Daniel once again glanced at her and i saw flash of jealousy... he's getting really annoyed... i am not looking forward to the outcome of this. After a couple minutes after rose and carter sat down Alice came with our coffees. "Oh I'm sorry Daniel i guess i forgot yours, i better go get that..." she gave him a fake smile which made him even more angry and jealous since she went back and started talking to the guy. We all tried to lighten the mood and then it got quiet and then we all heard "so you give my brother weekly kisses on the cheek because he's your guy best friend?" Alice nodded "so can i have weekly kisses on the cheek... starting now?" I watch as she looked at Daniel out of the corner of her eye waiting for a reaction but all she saw was Daniel sipping his coffee she just brought out while tapping his foot angrily. She looked back at the guy and said "sure" she was about a inch away from his cheek when he move his face and kisses her. Daniel slams his hands on the table while standing up. He took a step and started to mumble. "That's the last straw"
*Daniel POV*
I was ok with the flirting... ok so maybe I wasn't ok with it and i know that Chris and Alex knew that. I kept fidgeting i knew she was trying to see my reaction when he asked for a kiss on the cheek but when he moved his face to kiss her at the last moment that really ticked me off. I subconsciously slammed my hand on the table and got up so i went with it and mumbled "that's the last straw" i punched him in the jaw "DANIEL WHAT THE HELL..." she ran in the back to get a ice pack when she came out she put the ice pack where i hit him "I'm sorry Noah... can you leave so i can deal with him." She then shot me a glare and helped him up and when she wasn't looking he smirked at me and then left.
"What the hell Daniel!" I just shrugged "i was only getting back what was mine..." she glared at me "you do realize i am not a thing so i cant be anyone's unless i say so." "Well no matter what you say you are still mine to me." "So you are not going to bing my feelings into consideration?" I sighed "i did think about your feelings I almost didn't even come to this cafe since i knew you were working... and what about my feelings. You didn't even tell me you were leaving!" She groaned with frustration "I TOLD YOU TWO WEEKS BEFORE I LEFT and when i thought 'oh maybe he forgot' I waited till the very last second waiting to see if you would show so when you didn't i left. Ive also been waiting and waiting for you to call but I didn't get anything so i tried to move on" i took a deep breaths "what about me I RAN to your hotel which was 4 miles from my house so I could stop you and when i got there you were already gone, i even asked the desk person how long ago you left. When he told me you guys left about 2 hours before I knew I couldn't make it." My eyes started to tear up. "Do you know how it feels to have the girl you...l-love walk away, and then when i came to tell you you end up flirting with someone else." This time she started to tear up " please grab your stuff and leave." I look at alex and smirk. I turn towards her and pick her up and start walking towards the door. "DANIEL PUT ME DOWN!!" "Nope" she growled "will you please tell me why you picked me up?" I smirk and look at her. "You told me to grab my things and leave so i did." She does a small chuckle "that's not what i meant now put me back inside." I gave her a cocky smile walked inside and she stared at me. "What you didn't say i had to put you down." She gives me a small smile "i know..." i arched an eyebrow "does this mean you forgive me?" She smirks "hmm i don't know... should i?" I kissed her forehead and asked again. Her smirk just grew wider as she looked away "hmm now its a maybe..." should I kiss the tip of her nose or should just kiss her. I looked at my brothers and the girls out of the corner of my eyes. They were rolling their eyes while the girls were grinning. So I looked back at her and put her on her feet. When she gave me a confused look i kissed her. I looked at her with pleading eyes. "Now am I forgiven?" She bit her lip and nodded just then carter screamed "GET A ROOM!" Everyone came over and alex put his hand on my shoulder "well I'm glad we all are ok now... yo Daniel is that your romantic gesture?" I nodded and he chuckled "well at least it worked"

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