Emergency Phone

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Last time on once upon a dream
That's when the door opened with Rose and Alex then Larsen and then some girl, once she walked in she stopped dead in her tracks and said. "You're not Alice..."
"What- what do you mean? It is me, Alice. You should know this-" I stopped dead in my tracks not remembering her name, which made everyone look at me and what's her name was smirking, what's her name, if I don't say her name it will blow my cover more then this hesitation.
"Come on Alice you know my name, it's not that hard you've known me your whole life." At this point everyone was giving me a suspicious look, Of course, Alice forgot to give a name, I should have known better, she told me all about her family both at college and her actual family, like she has two sisters, a mom, and dad, both grandparents, one sister is a small child and the other lives in Europe touring with a punk rock band, so this person is definitely not her sister.
"Fine, I'm not Alice, but how'd you know?" I then took off the mask and the voice changer.
"Maddison? I knew it!- wait if your here that means Alice is with B.M., what does he want with her?" I gave him a smirk and grabbed her phone out of my pocket.
At this point rose, Carter, the headmaster, and whoever this chick is was looking between both of us with confused looks then there are his brothers who had a mixed expression between Daniels expression and worried. "I'm not going to answer anything until I know who this chick is and how she knew I wasn't Alice."
All she did was shrug and sat down. "The night of her kidnapping Alice had previously texted me that some weird guy was at the coffee shop giving her the creeps, so I told her to call me on the emergency phone until her shift ended, and she did and everything was fine until I went down to the buses with Laurence to make sure she got there safely so when she never showed we had suspicions, then all of a sudden you showed up, acting weird and not Alice. so we hired a private inspector and found out you are apart of Daniel's old gang and here we are. And by the way, I'm Ana, Alice's sister." 

That bitch! she lied to me... oh how I wish I was at the hideout right now. "So what are you going to do now... daniel?" 

He eyed me for a moment, I could see the anger rising up in him as he clenched and unclenched his fists. "I'm going to do what I've should have done from the very beginning of all of this... take me to B.M., that is what he wants right, and I promise I won't put up a fight as long as I get to see Alice."

I shrugged and got up. "We'll see, now let's go."

"Daniel, what the hell do you think you're doing! Don't you remember what happened last time you went there? You barely even came home to us in one piece. please don't go, we will get the cops, just don't go, think of mom and dad, do you think they will be happy you went back... alone when they are trying to kill you‽" 

*Daniels P.O.V*

I love my brothers I really do but they don't understand that I have to do this. "You don't understand I have to do this... I should have done something sooner, for all I know she could be sleeping in the cellar in a cage or even worse, I know B.M. and that's something he does. I have to go... alone with no police involved, I'm sorry Ana, I should have never met Alice if it wasn't for me she'd be having a normal life right now, so once I find her I'll bring her back and back out of her life forever so she can have a normal life and not worry about getting kidnapped and hurt again." and before anyone could protest even talk more I grabbed Maddison's wrist and pulled her out of the dorm but right as I got out the door I called back. "No police, this is my fight, and none of you better fallow. I couldn't handle knowing someone else got hurt because of me."

I put Maddison in the passenger side of my truck and patted her down to make sure she wasn't hiding any weapons, I found 2 daggers and 3 razor blades. "Alright, where is the temporary hideout I'm sure its somewhere secluded, that way its harder for them to get caught..." 

but all she did was smirk and link the other way. "Fine, I'm going to drive and you tell me what turns to make... and you better tell me or you will regret it."

she turned back towards me and then gave me a fake smile then turned away again mumbling. "Fine but you will just regret it once you get there." and with that, we left so I can go save Alice.

*Alices P.O.V*

"How are you doing with the news?" Ruby is currently here checking on my wounds, which according to her are healing but will leave major scars, better me have them then Abby having them she is still way to young to have these scars... she should never have these scars, and I'm glad I got to at least protect her from getting them last time. but those scars aren't the only thing I have to worry about, this thing that I cant rid of is slowly growing, I decided to not take the medication, that way if Daniel can't come this will be my last resort.

Before I could answer the creep for the hallway slammed the door open. "Well, Love its time for you to go back to the cell, Ruby you and that shrimp that's always around are going with her."

Ruby glared at the mean. "Liam, what have I told you about calling Abby a shrimp, and why is she going back to the cell, B.M. promised."

Liam, huh he doesn't look like a Liam. Well, Liam smirked that creepy smirk of his. "Well last I checked you were at the meeting so you know why she is going back to the cell, and the only reason why you both are going with is because your brother requested it. Now let's go get the shrimp and go down to the cell." 

That's what we did, Ruby made no more protests and went to go get Abby, which meant I was stuck with Liam who oh so rudely yanked me up by my hair. "Oh these are going to leave beautiful scars-" he said tracing over the scabs that weren't wrapped yet. "- it'd be a shame if someone were to, hmm I don't know make more?"

He then pulled a blade out of his pocket and pressed it against my back, I could feel the cool tip graze my skin. "Just so you know, this is the sharpest blade I own, all I have to do is add I tiny bit more pressure and you would be cut... now imagine how much pressure it would take to leave a cut as deep to leave a scar as pretty as these."

 He then took the tip and with a little more pressure opened all the scabs. "Oops guess my hand slipped." 

We started to head down to the basement, on the way Ruby saw my back got opened so she ran to the docs office so she could bandage them up again. We just hit the bottom of the stair, about to go into the vault where the cells are hidden when we heard a BOOM and a faint "Alright I'm here now let her go!" 

But before I could scream or do anything to give away my position Liam put his hand over my mouth and the blade to my back. "I wouldn't do anything stupid if I were you." then he knocked me unconscious. 

It started with a pick up lineWhere stories live. Discover now