Run away...

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*Jacks pov*
Unknown: You want something and I want something and they involve each other, so meet me at the fountain in 15 minutes or you will regret it.
I looked confusingly at my screen and decided to answer them.
Me: Who is this?
Unknown: Don't worry about that just come or you WILL regret it...
I sighed and got up and walked out of my dorm... the only way I could get my family to agree to pay for the ticket was to promise I would enroll in the school, so I did I just hope this doesn't backfire.
*15 minutes later*
I get to the fountain and looked around to see someone sitting on the edge on the other side with their hood up. I walked up to them and they put down their hood and wow I didn't expect them to be a She and so gorgeous... "W-What can I do for y-you?" She rose a brow. "Do I make you nervous?" I shook my head. "No it's just that it's still a little chilly and I don't have a coat on." She nods her head. "Well the reason I called you here-" "You mean texted." She sighs while shaking her head. "Fine... the reason why I texted you here is because I want Daniel and you want carter.... so you help me get Daniel and his brothers out of the picture then I will have what I want and you can have your girl..." I gave her a confused look. "What do you mean?" She gave me the look that says 'Your really an idiot' "if you help me get close to Daniel and his brothers particular Daniel I can make them go away and then you can have your precious carter." I thought for a moment. I mean as much as I would love to have carter in my arms once and for all shouldn't I try and get her on my own? Tsh what am I saying I've already tried but they are still together. "Okay let's say I do agree what's the plan?" She put a grin on her face and said. "Well...."
*carters pov*
I am currently sitting upside down on the couch watching tv. "Have you tried asking him? I mean they could still be on. O-Or they could have bad service." I sigh at Alice. You see Chris went back to France with his brothers in tow... that was 13 hours ago. It's currently 11 in the morning. Alice is frantically running around trying to get ready for work and the class after. "Carter I'm sure if you talk to him, you will feel better." I turn my head towards Rose and then back to the ceiling with a huff. "Okay let me put it this way. He is pissed, He is the one that decided to run away, and He is the one that doesn't trust me enough to know that I wouldn't cheat on him with someone I knew in Ireland. I am the one that is here right now, I am the one that tried the most to get answers, and I am the one that got hurt the fucking most!" She sighs as Alice finally comes in ready and sits down with a huff. "Well are you at least still dating? I mean we could hear you from in here last night and we weren't to sure if that was a break up or what?" I groan as I finally sit back up since I was starting to get a head ache. "Like I said I have no idea... just please drop the subject, Alice your going to be late... again." She looks down at her phone and mumbled some curse words and left. "I will drop the subject if you answer 4 questions." "2." I tried to bargain with her. "3 questions and no more." I sighed and nodded while waiting for the questions. "Are you Okay?" She gave me her concerned look... she was always the mother hen when it came to feeling, Alice would always threaten to go knock someone out or she would be the one I would go to for advice for the best way to knock someone out or something like that but rose we'd go to her for mostly all of the sensitive stuff. I sighed and place my head in my hand that was on the arm of the couch and looked at her. "Yea..." she eyed me as if she was contemplating on whether to push it but she didn't, thank god. "Why haven't you tried to talk to Chris to ask what his reasoning of leaving is?" All I do is shrug. "Well you see Chris isn't the kind that really likes to express his feelings so it would be a big hassle just to get him to up a lot and at the moment I can't get a hold of him at all..." she thought for a moment and shook her head. "What are you going to do when they come back?" I really don't know the answer to that... at this moment all I want to do is smack him and maybe punch him... but I also want to kiss his face and hold him close and tell him I love him and tell him to never leave again without an explanation. "I-I honestly don't know... it honestly depends on how much he pisses me off until he comes back and also it depends on how much I miss him..." She nods her head and stands up. "Come on we have to get ready for class... you maybe heart broken but that doesn't mean you can just sit and mope around and fail... if you want to be a detective you need to pass your classes." I grumble and nod cause I knew she was right.
*chris pov*
I'm currently at our villa that's between all three companies. Daniel got the biggest company to run since he is all muscle and brains... the company gets threatened a lot so it has a lot of security that way if B.M. tries to attack him with his goons Daniel will have some security with him to fight them off. Alex got the second biggest because it rarely got threatened so it didn't really need big security as the biggest company and also because he didn't want the first. And then there is me I got the third biggest company since one it rarely had reception so I couldn't be contacted unless you call the special phones that are connected or if you contact my work phone but other than that I can't be reached... never mind that is basically the only reason why I wanted this one. "Bro you have to talk to her at some time... don't mope around your phone is right there now stop staring at it and call her!" I take my eyes off my phone and look up at Alex and then look back at the phone. Okay yes I know it was an idiotic move just to go to another country but hey that's how I get away from my feelings I leave to think and then I come back and talk, that's how I've always been we all have our own way to deal with our feelings like Daniel he used to go to a B.M. And have a drink and a smoke with him and his men but now he would just hang out at a bar or go to Alice, then there is me I run away from them it's just not my thing. Yea I know your thinking 'well what about carter, you have her now talk to her about your feelings especially if she is apart of the reason' well that's the thing I don't got to anyone to talk about my feelings not even my brothers they just know if I'm really pissed to not to leave me alone and if I'm just irritated to leave me alone then it will be fine... everything was fine until he showed up. If he hadn't showed up I wouldn't have got jealous or pissed and I couldn't talk so I did the one thing I knew how to do and that is run away. "She probably hates me right now so I can't." Daniel came in and plopped on the couch with a slice of pizza in his hand. "I mean you did leave without an explanation you didn't even tell her where you were going plus you yelled at her to go to her 'boyfriend' when they are just friends so in her eyes it could have you saying 'I'm breaking up with you and I am leaving so go to your guy best friend and date him...' oh I also ordered pizza if you want any." I sighed into my hand. "I didn't want it to mean it like that I-I... You know how I am I don't do feelings especially if they are mine... I will just leave her go until she calms down..." they both sigh and mumble something like. "You really shouldn't do that." And then turned on the tv on.

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