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*elizer pov*
When we got to the car Mac mumbled something to himself and marched straight back into the pizza place. Wandering what he was doing I fallowed, when I walked through the door mac was screaming at the guy who was with carter. "You don't deserve her, you don't even know her as well as I do she is mine so stay away from her." Chris I guess that's his name rolled his eyes and mumbled something. "What did you say dweeb." Chris took a breath while leaning on his hand with a bored tone he said. "Says the one that can't even tell carter their actual feelings and besides if she was yours she wouldn't be with you so can you leave us alone." From a distance I could see his face reddened as his nostrils flared. Before anyone could stop him he picked up one of the pizzas and tried to throw it at him but ended up hitting rose instead. "DUDE WHAT ARE YOU DOING!"    The one next to rose said as I was going to say it. He didn't answer he just shrugged it off. "MARSHALL WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!!! AND WHY IS ROSE COVERED IN PIZZA REMAINS AND GREASE!" By the tone of her voice and her comment coming out of nowhere his face turned into a deer in headlights. He quickly covered his expression and just shrugged. "I'm was doing nothing it was all your boyfriends fault now if you excuse me I have work." Carter gives him a look of  suspicion as Chris stood up. "What the hell YOUR the one that came in screaming and YOUR the one that threw the pizza all because I said you didn't have the guts to confess to carter..." Carters face of suspicion grew to a surprised look. "What does he mean by confess?" She takes a step closer cautiously. "Well you see I've liked you since I first went to your house back in high school... I was going to ask you to all the dances and on dates but things kept getting in the way. Some guy was always asking you out, whenever I was close enough to you would always disappear and then there was your brother who didn't want me to date you." She rolled her eyes. "Your really are an idiot really why would you let my brother get in the way I mean come on." She rubbed her hands on her face and took a deep breath. "Look  just leave you have caused enough trouble for today." With that she sat back down as mac started to walk to me when we opened the door Mac looks at Chris and says. "This is not over yet, you better watch your back." And then we left.
*carters pov*
I leave for 2 minutes and there was a fight between Mac and Chris... I wander what it was about. I turned towards Chris. "What the hell was that all about." He just shrugs "I don't know something about you being his." There was an awkward silence until rose broke it. "Welp since I am now wearing our lunch I'm just going to go I'll see you at dinner." We let her out and Alex fallows just as they reach the door Alice yells. "DONT FORGET TO LOCK THE DOOR."
*macs pov*
"Come on let me make it up to you... I will find you a new girl... I mean there are bunch of girls that like you so why not go after one of them." I roll my eyes as I put his food in front of him. "Elizer I might have just lost the one girl have never thought I'd like in a million years and you made me that late that I have to take the dinner rush too." He munches on one of his fries. "Look I was a wimp and couldn't tell rose how I felt and when I finally did I got shot down and now I feel like I can find a girl and actually be able to talk to her without being afraid and even though I don't want admit it but rose is a lot happier when she is with him then when she is with me so I don't mind letting her go then try and fight for her even though she won't pick me and make her hate me. So which would you rather have her hate you in the end or her be happy and see you as a friend." I thought for a second then said. "I'd rather her-" the bell on the door rung and six people came in. "I'm telling you carter has an obsession with vintage stuff and diners." Carter nudged Alice in the side and Alice just laughed. "See she doesn't even want us to talk about it...." I joined this job because I knew carter loved this place. I watched as they sat in one of my booths. I rolled my eyes as I picked up one of the notebooks and lift up the counter. As I pass elizer he mumbled "Don't make her hate you, you will regret it in the end." I pat his shoulder and walked up to the table. "What can I get you guys." Everyone grumbled except for rose, carter, and Alice. Alice rolled her eyes, rose scoffed and carter just gave me a small smile.
I brought all of their food and went back behind the counter and gave elizer his bill. "Out of all the places they had to come to it had to be." He just gave me a small smile and shrugged. "Hmm I don't know maybe because Carter just came home and this is her favorite place to eat besides the pizza place." I just roll my eyes and continue to clean the counter when all of the sudden Chris came up to the counter. "You know I won't do anything right." He just scoffs and rolls his eyes. "Yea whatever just don't make her cry when you talk to her or don't confuse her either... I am willing to fight for her but so you know you won't win." The bell on the door rung. "Babe why did you leave before I could say goodbye?" Both me and Chris look at the door and there standing was and guy with black brownish hair with a brown and icy blue eyes that from far away you can't tell that they are different colors. He had a nice built body wasn't to muscular but wasn't to muscular he had a stubble. He looked towards their table and smiled a goofy grin that showed dimples. "W-what are you doing here?"

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