I dont know...

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*Alices pov*
"Honey it's time to wake up." My eyes hurt too much to open, Ruby stayed with me all night, she was really worried about my wounds. I slowly open my eyes and I'm covered in new bandages. "I hope you don't mind but I had to take off your shirt to put new bandages on... blood started to go through the others."
I looked up at her and she looked exhausted. "Did you sleep at all last night?" She shook her head and moved her baby hairs out of her face. "No, you were crying and screaming in your sleep so I couldn't sleep because I was so worried and then when you started to calm down I almost fell asleep and then I saw blood going through the bandages so I changed them and then I woke you up because it's time for breakfast." I slowly tried to get up but my muscles ached with pain that they started to give out. "Alice take it easy I have my brother bring food up for you... can you at least sit up?" I tried to sit up again... and it was hard but I got myself to do it. "Okay... good, he should be here soon." Just as she mentioned him he walked in with his daughter. "Here you go, Alice... now if you excuse me I'm going to take my stubborn sister to bed since she has training in a couple of hours." Ruby rolled her eyes and then yawned. "Come on bro, I'll survive... besides someone needs to watch Alice just incase her wounds start to bleed again." He shook his head and chuckled. "She will be fine and I'll check up on her once every hour, now will you please go to bed?" Ruby was silent for a while but then she nodded her head.


"Daddy, what will happen if her boo-boos get worse?" I slowly opened my eyes... I guess I fell asleep. "Well honey, she would have to go to the doctor." Michel noticed I was up and gave me a small smile as he adjusted Abby on his lap who was holding plastic doctor tools. "I see sleeping beauty is up. How did you sleep?" My muscles don't hurt as much, maybe I can move a little more. "Fine... Abby, what is that?" She gave me a bright smile with her brown hair in messy braids. "I saw people who helped you have them yesterday so I brought mine to help you because I knew that you weren't feeling good." Awe she is so adorable if I ever have a daughter I want her to be as adorable as Abby. "Ok Abby, isn't it time for your ballet lesson?" She turned as fast as her little body would let her towards her dad. "IS IT!! YAAAY, CAN ALICE COME WATCH!?" Michel looked at Abby with a small smile and shook his head. "Not this time honey, maybe next time when her boo-boos are better." She pouted a little and got off her dads lap and did a little spin,  "I wanna be a badass ballerina, but aunty says that's a lot of practice so I'm doing ballet practice on weekends and fighting lessons during the week!" She then did a little jump and landed in first position then punched and kicked the air. I looked over at Michel, "Well don't keep the future badass ballerina waiting." He gave me a small smile and patted my leg. "Ruby should be done soon, I will come back with the doctor to see how you are doing after Abby's lessons." I nodded my head and he picked Abby up in his arms and left.
"Well doc, how is she doing?" Ruby left to go get me dinner as the doctor checked my wounds. "Well..." the doctor took a big gulped... he looks kind of familiar. "She is... perfectly fine.... her um wounds are healing well which is good, I will be back in a couple days to check um again, but um Alice when you are able to move again I want you to visit my office..." THATS IT!!! He's the doctor that knows something about me that only him and B.M. knows. "Ok!" He nodded his head and gets up and leaves.
*Daniels pov*
I still don't think that it's Alice.... she doesn't seem like herself, like yesterday with the soda and she reacted slowly to the sushi, she normally reacts a lot faster, and this morning she forgot our normal weekend breakfast date. "DAAAANNNNIIIIIEEEELLLL, lets go skateboarding!!!" Alice... doesn't know how to skateboard... "Alice, when did you learn to skateboard?" She looked at me as if she was a deer in headlights. "Umm, ummm I-I.... I meant let's go skateboarding so you can teach me?" I haven't gone skateboarding since my time in the gang because I shattered my knee and Alice knows that I was in so many surgeries and after that I was in physical therapy twice a week for about a year. "Alice come on you know I don't skate anymore." Without even thinking Alice spoke "Why?" and you could see the realization in her face and then guilt... "Oh yea... I'm sorry I wish I was paying attention that day... UM I MEAN SHE WAS PAYING ATTENTION... that um day," I never told Alice about that part... I thought it was to gory for her so I never told her all that she knows is that it was bad and I have a lot of scars from the surgeries and I wasn't able to do a lot of things because of the brace and crutches. "Okay Alice your acting weird, I've never told you that I used to like orange soda and about that fall, at least gory part. You also have a delayed reaction which you never do it's always quick!" She gave me a confused look. "What are you talking about Daniel you've said all of those before... don't you remember!?" I-I don't know anything anymore like she seems so different... I just don't know anymore...

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