Blue murder?

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*alices pov*
My head is throbbing, I open my eyes to only see nothing. "Damn it, why is it so dark?" I try to get up but my body feels weak. I groan in frustration. "I see your finally awake Alice." I look up and see that the door is opened which made light shine through it, I looked at my surroundings the walls and floor are just rocks, there was a bucket filled with I guess water and there was also some old toilet and a broken down rusty bed. "As much as I would love to see you suffer down here until lover boy comes saves you but my boss wants to see you treated as human so that means you get your own room... come on get up and fallow me." Being brought back to reality I looked back at the door. I couldn't see the guy, the light coming in from behind him made him look like a shadow. I gave him a confused look and said. "W-Who are you? And where am I?" He chuckles as he takes a step closer and caresses my cheek. "Well you see Alice this is your new home and as for who I am that is for a later day... now get up and fallow me." A shiver went down my back at his touch. I nodded my head and fallowed him.
When we got to the room, he opened the door. The door was a creamy color and so were the walls and the floor was a dark brown wood the rest of the room was pink, white, and a touch of silver and black. "This is your room for the time being. Your allowed to walk around and use any electronic but let me warn you that you are not allowed to contact anyone... you will not get your phone back the only phone you can use is by your bed and you can only call two numbers with that phone unless the boss adds more to the amount. The first number is the staff, you can call that when you need food or if you need something cleaned or fixed. The second is the boss but that will be turned on when you actually meet him so there is no point calling the second... now if you excuse me I have better things to do then babysit you." And with that he walked away.
I flopped down on the bed and looked to see a book shelf filled with different types of books. Then I looked at the rest of the room on one night stand was the telephone and a paper that had two numbers on it and the other had a remote and a note that said "Sweet sweet Alice, might as well get comfortable you will be here awhile since it will take forever for them to realize your missing. Oh didn't they tell you, everyone thinks you went on the trip... even your teacher. The girl you are supposed to be rooming with is one of my people so she is just going to say different excuses. Oh and don't even try to get a hold of anybody that I don't agree with... everything in this house is tapped into or monitored so there is no point. Yes to answer your question you will be able to go free... if we get what we want or should I say what I want. And do you know what I want... No? Well then I'll tell you I want that boyfriend of yours Daniel... he has two options to pick from either to save the people he loves and cares about or his own life... hmm I wonder what if will be. Why don't we wait and see Alice, maybe the outcome will surprise you.-B.M."
I read the note over and over... I'm trapped here? They want Daniel... why would they want Daniel. I think and try to figure out why he want Daniel and then it hit me. "Daniel used to be in a gang." I mumbled to myself and then I heard a voice from behind me which made me jump. "Our gang to be exact." I turned around to see a girl with red wavy hair, she's around my age with green eyes and freckles. "What do you mean?" She sits on the bed and pats the spot next to her for me to sit. "Well some time ago maybe a year or a half of a year ago Daniel went to B.M. and told him he wanted to leave the gang because he had just met someone and if things went good he wanted to be with her hopefully without her knowing about his gang life. Well B.M. was not happy about that decision because he was losing one of his best men and he didn't want him to leave so he threatened Daniel more then he did the last time Daniel tried to leave, but this time Daniel didn't care about his threats and left and kept a down low... until he left France. You see we have men at every transportation unless you own a private transportation for your self like Daniel family but Daniel made the mistake of contacting one of B.M. men. So B.M. set up a plan to get Daniel but when you went into a coma we had to go to plan B, C, and D but those failed, but around when plan D failed you woke up so we went back to plan A. I'm guessing your going to ask what those plans  were well it was a plan to at least get one of the brothers to fall for one of our females... you might have heard of her I mean she went in under your major so she could get close to you... she is also the one who is supposed to rooming with you on that trip... I think her name is Maddison. I don't do well with names  so I don't know if it's the actual name. Well anyway if that answers some of your questions I'm glad I could help." She scratches the back of her neck like she was nervous. I nod my head so far she seems like the nicest person here, she starts to get up when I realized I had a couple more questions. "Wait I have a couple more questions." She turns back around and sits back on the bed. "What are they?... I don't think I will be much help but I'm glad I'm good for one thing." I took in a deep breath before I let out all the questions that were bugging me while she was talking. "The f-first one is how long was Daniel in this gang? And the second one is how did you end up in this gang? I-I mean you seem so nice." She thought for a moment and then said "So I'm guessing your the one he left for... I can now see why, well anyway he has been in for almost 7 years now well it would have been 7 if he hadn't left. He didn't do much of the killing though he only killed when he had to and he stopped drinking and doing drugs maybe 3 years ago... I'm not going to say why he joined because I feel like that should be his job. To answer your other question I didn't technically join, when my brother joined I kind of came with him. you actually met him he's sort of the one that kidnaped you... please don't hate him for it, he kind of had to do it if he didn't want me or his daughter dead. As for how I got here is also kind of a blur so I will tell you the story how my brother told it. One night when I was around six or seven and my brother was around fifteen someone broke into the house and killed my parents. My brother wanted to get revenge so when B.M. found us he begged him to let him join so he could get strong and get revenge. Well eventually after that this place sort of became our home and the people became our family." She takes a deep breath and looks back at me. "Any more questions?" I thought for a moment and then I said. "Yes what does B.M. stand for?" She thought for a moment as if thinking she should tell me or not. "Well for people who are not in gangs we just tell them it stands for big man but if your in a gang then you would know that it actually stands for blue murder." I looked at her with an confused expression. "Why blue murder?" She leans in a little and says "because whenever he kills by himself his victims always turn blue and no one knows why, not even the special forces... only one person has seen B.M. kill someone so they know how it happens besides B.M. himself. They also know why and how he kills his victims to make them end up like that and that's Daniel... no one knows why but B.M. always had a liking towards Daniel. Like Daniel was his son." She then gets up and walks towards the doors and opens it before I could ask anymore questions. "Oh by the way the names Ruby, Ruby Adams... it was nice to meet you Alice I'll see you later." And then she went through the door and disappeared... I'll have to find her later and ask more questions but at this moment I need to sort all of the information I just got. But instead I just let sleep take over me.

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