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i walked into my room and plopped on the bed. "hey whats wrong with you?... where are the bags?" i tured my head to face ana "we didnt go shopping we went to a clearing then he took me to the top of the effiel tower...." ana face lit with excitment. "soooooooooooooooooooooooo did anything happen!!!!!!!!" i roll my eyes "why must you want to know every detail." "CAUSE my little sister is finnaly growing up!!!" "ana seriously, no now if excuse me i have to call carter and rose." i walk out to balcony and pulled my phone out and looked for carter but before i could hit the call button i got a text "mon amour it was hard but i got then to agree to let you give them your friends their number" "thanks and stop calling me that!!!"  "😏and why would i do that mon amour" ugh this is getting annoying "just give me their number so i can give it to them so i can go to bed" he sent me the numbers with the names. i then found carters name again and hit call.

*carter pov*

"so do you think alice will get that guy to talk to his brothers?" my eyes go wide and i turn towards rose. "i hope so... if they look anything like daniel we hit the jackpot!!!" rose shakes her head while she chuckles. after a minute her face brights up and she runs towards me "WHAT IF THEY ARE TWINS!!!!!!!" i was about to answer when my phone starts to play "ready aim fire" "hey whats up" "so you wanted a picture right?" i turn towards rose as my eyes widen "hold on i'm going to put you on speaker"  rose takes my phone "sooo are they hot?!?!" i take my phone back as alice chuckles "let's just say that they are guy versions of you two and they are a older version of danny" it was my turn to ask a question "how much older are they?" "ummm same age as you two considering that they are twins" rose looks at me the same way and at the same time. "WHAT!!!! yes i so approve... can we have the pictures?" we hear her chuckle "i'll do you one even better... how about their numbers so you text them yourself...." "YESSSSSSSS! that will show elizer" i chuckle "yes rose that will totally make him jealous since he can't ask you" we all laugh "well i'll send each of you their number then i'm heading to bed" "OOOOOKAY thaaaanks your the beeeeeessst" "byyyyee" we both hanged up. rose looks at me and puts her hands on my shoulders "dude she found guys that you might be actually able to talk to and someone that might actually ask me out!" i roll my eyes "thanks for reminding me my love life sucks..." she laughs then our phones gos off. we both look at our phones and there it is. the guy number "what's your guys name?" i look up at her "Chris, what's yours?" "alex...i want to text him but i should probably wait till tomorrow, since it's like 10 over there." i nod "yea but i'm impatient sooo" i put chris's number in my phone "hey..."
**********time skip************
*alice pov*
"i can't believe we are leaving in three hours" i finish up packing. ana flops on my bed "so does he know your leaving today?" i shrugged "probably not. i don't remember telling him when i leave, besides he has been busy these past couple days and he's not answering so i guess not..." she shoots up off the bed "WHAT! let me get this straight you didn't tell him we are leaving and he has been ignoring you! i thought you guys had something considering you guys hung out almost every day we were here..." "i guess anyway let's go check out and head out to the airport..." "wait hand me your phone.." i hand it over "why?" she doesn't answer she just plays with the screen and then hands it back. "ok now let's go"
*time skip when they get back*
"ugh i need a nap... are you going to see Larsen?" she smiles at me "right now he's working but we have dinner plans later... want to join us?" i shake my head "nah i'm fine, im going to stay home and sleep..."  she nods "well if you change your mind you have my num-" "ALICE YOUR BACK" i know that voice "hey rose, carter...missed me?" i arched a eyebrow "i will only say yes...IF you brought back presents" i look at rose and she nods to what carter said. "i thought their numbers were enough" carter shakes her head "i must admit we loved that present but we can't actually touch those presents" i shake my head "fine but you can't have it till we get back to the dorm" "awww"
*daniels pov*
i been helping my farther with his business so i couldn't really hang out with mon amour. i just got home it's around lunch and i pick up my phone and text alice but there is no answer she normally answers right away. "hey how come you aren't with alice right now?" "dude i just back from working morning shift besides i was going to ask to see if she wanted to hang out tonight..." alex and chris shake their heads "welp have fun getting her to answer..." "what why?" chris arches his eyebrow "dude seriously do you ever pay attention" "bro why would i have a hard time getting her to answer" chris and alex look at each other and mumbled something to each other that sounded like "poor fool" "alex... chris answer me" alex sighed and started to mumble "alice...and her sister...are on their way back home... they should be leaving the hotel soon" WHAT!!! "NO THIS CANT BE TRUE" i take my phone out again and hit call but no answer the only thing i heard was "i'm sorry the person you are calling has their phone turned off or you are blocked." this can't be happening. i grab my jacket and yell at them i'd be back and that i'm going to see her.
i finally got to the hotel i ran to the front desk "excuse me but did a alice and a ana check out?" "uh yes about a hour ago..." shit, shit, shit i missed her "oh ok thanks anyway" he gave me a sympathetic smile and i left on my way back home.
when i got home i flopped on the couch "what happen? didn't she want to talk to ya?" i shot him a glare and moved my body so i was facing the back of the couch "i missed her" i mumbled "what i couldn't hear you"  "i missed her" i mumbled a little louder "dude speak up i can't hear you." i shot up "I MISSED HER OK!"  alex comes in the room "you miss who?" "i missed her by a hour... she's gone i-i won't see her again" i put my head in my hands " mon amour i missed you by a hour and i didn't even say goodbye" "i'm sorry daniel but really you will see her soon" i scoff "yea right... whatever i'm going to take a nap i have to go back tonight then i have school tomorrow" i get up and start walking out of the room but i did hear chris say "poor guy let's hope he gets over this soon" when i get to my room i flop on my bed and go into a nice long sleep...i'm sorry i didn't say goodbye...

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