No one

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*alices pov*
"Sir we have a problem with the prisoner!" A messenger came in and B.M and him went to a corner to talk, then I heard B.M. mutter "We can use this to our advantage until then tell nobody it's between you and me." It was still fresh in my mind and it happened a week ago when B.M. introduced himself ever since then he has kept an eye on me more then when I didn't know him. "Ruby, don't you think the security around me has been more strict?" Ruby is the closest I have to a friend here without her or her brother I would be stuck in my room 24/7, I met her niece she is the cutest thing. "Probably but only because Maddison leaves to be you." I sighed I hope their plan doesn't work... B.M. gave Maddison my phone and I was tortured until I gave them the password... my body still hurts from it... I can't even lay on my back, it hurts that much. "I sort of hope that they see through the stupid mask but I also hope that they don't... I don't want them to come and try for rescue me and end up getting hurt." She gave me a small smile. "Honey I've known Daniel for a long time and knowing him he will find out but continue to go with it until he finds out what is going on, when he does he will find some way to find out some way to stop it.... it's just how he works, also knowing him he will do anything it takes to get you back safe and unharmed." I nodded my head, I guess she was right...  "okay..."

*B.M. Pov*
"Don't you dare fail me.... if you do that you know what will happen." This is the year I get back at Daniel, no one and I mean NO ONE is allowed to walk away from this group and even if it was for some girl it is unacceptable, you can only leave if I give you permission or if I kill you if it isn't that then you stay in. "Relax babe, I know what I am doing so how about you give me the phone so I can start my mission." Maddison is the female I have.... besides Ruby, Ruby and her brother are like my children so I trained them myself but Ruby became friends with Alice so I can't send her on the mission so I'm sending my second best... Maddison. "I'm not saying you don't know what your doing all I'm saying is don't screw up it's a fool proof plan, the only way you can screw this up is doing something Daniel doesn't recognize and you know how e can see threw anything that's why he is/ was the the best... besides me..."
*daniels pov*
SHES COMING BACK TODAY!!!! I got back yesterday because I couldn't wait another week to see her. "Mr. Daniel can I talk to for a moment." After a full day of classes and getting all of the work I missed I was on my way back to the girls apartment when alices teacher stopped me. "Good your back... is Alice ok she hasn't been to class in a week and I barley saw her on the trip, I was going to ask her roommates but I barley saw them." That's weird Alice hates skipping unless she has to. "I only just got back today... wait I thought the trip was extended for another week as in tomorrow." She gave me a confused look. "No... did she tell you that? I don't remember seeing her on the bus... to and from, but I heard her in their room." Wait their I thought she was rooming alone... "their I thought she had a room to herself?" She shook her head as she was thinking to herself. "No, she was supposed to but then the new girl joined the class and Alice to her under her wing... what was her name again? Maddie... Maddison? Yea it's Maddison." Wait Maddison as in the same Maddison in B.M.'s group... shit this might be bad. "What's her last name?" She thought for a moment. "Ummmmm, Stanley i think? She moved from France just like you." Stanley... that's not her real last name, it must be her undercover name."  But wait Maddison is... shit this isn't good. "Ma'am where is Maddison now?" She looked off to the distance humming which I guess means she is thinking. "She left early she said she was home sick and left for a couple weeks she should be back today or tomorrow." If she doesn't come back tomorrow I will know something is going on but until then... how could I let... "ma'am if I may... Maddison is..." and then everything went black

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