Love and family or life?

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*Alices pov— 2 weeks later*
"So what are going to do? Carter is always fidgety looking at the door and at her phone... I practically had to beg our boss to not fire Carter since she isn't coming to work and same goes for Larsen or headmaster... he only agreed to her giving time off because he knows carter is a good student and he's dating my sister. I tried talking carter into calling Chris but she keeps saying that he is probably still mad... can you please talk your brother into calling her or at least text her." I was sitting in the back of the cafè with rose trying to talk Daniel into getting his brother to talk to carter.
"Yea sure babe... he is more depressed then mad. He just goes to his company and then doesn't come back till really late and then he just goes to the office and works more... he never takes breaks unless me and Alex force him from work. He's not like himself ever since they stopped talking to each other. I just wish they both would just grow some balls and talk each other." I chuckled at his frustration and went back to looking at the crates. "Yea I know what you mean... look I have to go my breaks almost done I'll talk to you later. Love you." He sighed like a little kid. "Do you really have to go babe?" "Yes I do have to go... bye." He wined into the phone. "B-But babe I miss your voice can't you stay on the phone for I don't know maybe three months?" I shook my head as I hear snickering coming from rose and through the phone. It was most likely Alex and when Daniel said "shut up Alex!" Was when my thoughts were confirmed. "I don't know lover boy aren't you coming back in less then three months that's going to be a really big phone bill." 
"I have no idea what your talking about angel." 
"Oh but you do Romeo. If my phone turns off then I won't be able to talk to you and we wouldn't want that do we?"
"Sugar if I were you I wouldn't do that."
"And why is that cuddle cakes?" I said in my most innocent voice. I could hear Alex dying of laughter with rose. I guess both of us have our phones on speaker. "Snookums you said you wouldn't call me that around anyone... its embarrassing." Both of them are starting to die down from their laughter. "Are you really sure that's the most embarrassing one beef cakes?" And then they started to laugh again. "A-Alice you should see his face right now it's so red." Alex managed to say in between his laughter. "Really Alex do you want me to remind you of your conversation that you had with Rose earlier sexy beast? And don't get me started on your nickname Rose. Hmm what was it? Ah I remember it was something like... Alex would you like to say it?" Rose breathing hitched as Alex said sheepishly. "Sugar lips... your no fun Daniel. If you didn't come back so early you wouldn't have heard that." Alex huffed which made all of us chuckle. "Okay seriously we have to go other wise we could get fired." They both protested for awhile but in the end they let us go. "Hey I'm supposed to lock up but I realized that I have a huge test... can you lock up tonight for me?" Rose looked at me with pleading eyes. "Yea sure... also I forgot to tell you I'm going on a trip with my major class we are going to some lab or whatever." She nods her head. "How long in that trip for?" All I did was shrug my shoulders. "I have no idea maybe 2-3 weeks." She thinks for a moment while grabbing the cloth to wipe down the tables and counter. "Are you leaving tonight or tomorrow?" I think for a moment and get the other cloth. "Tonight my bag is in my car. We are meeting at the main entrance and we are taking a bus." She just nodded her head and finishes what she is doing.
I look up at the clock it's 10:56 PM... 24 minutes to go. Rose left about an hour or two ago, we did most of the cleaning up since there was barely any customers. The rung that was on the door. A tall lean man came in he was wearing dark blueish jeans and a black jean jacket with his hood up the only feature I could tell about him was he had a stubble. When he got to the counter he said with a deep raspy voice. "Just a medium dark roast." I nodded my head and put some dark roast coffee in a cup and walked back to the register where the guy was. "That will be $6.29 please." He put his hand in his pocket and put some money on the counter, grabbed the coffee and walked to one of the tables.
There's about 5 minutes left. I just finished cleaning up and that guy is still here... it's kind of creepy all he does is stare at the table or at me. I took a deep breath and walked up to him. "E-Excuse me I'm closing up in 5 minutes and I still need to clean you table. So I-I have to ask you to leave." He doesn't say anything all he does is grunt and nods his head. He gets up and throws his cup away. I quickly clean up his table and grab my stuff and my keys so I can lock up. I get outside and lock the door, I then take my keys out of the lock and put them in my bag. Then I fix my bag on my shoulder and start to walk to my car. Then I felt a sharp pain and everything went black.
*unknown POV*
I can remember the conversation so clearly at the group meeting. I was in charge of getting her and someone else was in charge of the car.  "If we pull this off we will be able to get rid of him... I'm counting on YOU to get her, she is the most important part of this plan. You understand?" I nodded at the boss. "Yes sir." The memory plays through my mind this whole entire time I throw her over my shoulder and start to walk to my car... its your move Daniel what will you choose.
Love and family or life?

It started with a pick up lineWhere stories live. Discover now