chapter 20.5

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*A/N: this chapter is about how Carter and Chris got together. This was sometime after Alice wakes up*
*carters p.o.v*
"What do you want to do today?" I look up at Chris and gave him a small smile. "I've been in the mood for some baking... maybe even watch some movies..." He smiled back and kissed my nose. "Whatever you want to do m'lady as long as I'm with you it doesn't matter."
"Hey! That was so unfair!" I look down at my black shirt that was now covered in flour. "Oh come on m'lady but you look so adorable." He tried to give me a innocent smile but I just gave him a evil smirk instead. I walked over to him and pecked him on the lips and put some batter on his nose. He groans and says. "Now look what you did m'lady you messed up my perfect face." I laughed as he cleaned his nose. He looked back at me with a smirk forming on his lips, he then grabbed some flour and started to walk towards me slowly. With a yelp I started to run away. "Run, Run,Run as fast as you can you cant catch me im the ginger bread man." he rolls his eyes and chuckled running after me. "I bet I can catch...." all of sudden there was flour on my head and arms snaked around my waist "YOU!" and then he threw me over his shoulder. "Chriiiis, put me down!" I whined as he chuckled. "Nah, I like the view to much m'lady." I gasped and hit his back which made him chuckle more. "What was that for m'lady I'm only telling the truth so you should count it as a compliment." I hit his back one more time and said in a stern voice. "You better put me down or no more kisses for you." I try to cross my arms but I fail. He whimpers and finally put me down. "Now was that so hard." I asked him, he pouted more and nodded his head. He then gave me puppy eyes with his bottom lip sticking out and his arms open waiting for a hug. I roll my eyes and chuckle as I walk into his embrace. He kisses the top of my head and we stay like that.
About five minutes later he moves his head and looks at me and I look up at him since there is about maybe a foot difference in our height. "Hey, I know things have been stressful and one of the only times I'm not stressed or when everything's calm is when I'm with you... s-so please be my girlfriend. I-I know it's a lot to ask since we've known each other  for maybe more then a month but for some reason but it was the best month either if it if it was when we first started to text or when I ran into you. I get jealous whenever I see a guy look at you or close to you. The thought of you kissing some other guy drives me crazy and I don't want to share you, or that beautiful smile of yours with any other guy, so please be my girlfriend so I can put my mind as ease and that I know that no one is kissing those lips but me."  I rose a brow at his smirk and then he started to frown. "W-What's wrong? Did I say something wrong?"  I stayed quiet for awhile and then when he gave me pleading eyes I finally answered him. "Do you really not know the answer to that question?" He thought for a moment and nodded. "Well then I guess I'll just have to show you my answer instead."  I stepped on my tippy toes because well like I said he is like a foot taller then me and pecked him on the lips. "Does that answer your question?"  All he does is grin, kisses my cheek and sticks his head in the corner of my neck and all of a sudden I hear him mumble. "Damn I love you so much."  I cleared my throat and he shot his head up and gave me a sheepish smile. "Did I just say that out loud?"  I nodded my head. "Look I understand if you don't like me that way yet but..." before he could finish I kissed him to shut him up. "It's not that... I love you too." "Okay now let's get you cleaned up I might have a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt for ya." I  grinned. "So you mean you have a sweatshirt and sweatpants that I can have and that you will never get back?" He chuckles. "I want the sweatpants back at least." I poured for a little bit then I realized that the sweatshirt I would be getting will be big, comfortable, and most importantly it will smell like him. I grinned and took the clothes from him. And after that he got cleaned up and we finished our cookies and watched movies for the rest of the day.
*A/N: this is how Alex and Rose got together around the same time Chris and carter got together.*
*Madison pov*

i cant believe someone like rose got such a hot guy like that. Whenever i see him at the library he is always at the same table, same spot, and same girl... he never brings anyone else unless its his brothers and there is no way i can get to them... trust me i tried especially the younger one... here let me explain i was hired by someone that wants Daniel to either be hurt or gone. So since I cant get close to Daniel because of that slut of a girlfriend he has. *Ring, Ring* I pick up my phone and saw that it said 'unknown caller' i answered it. "Madison i sent you to the U.S to hurt Daniel or people that are close to him, hmm like i don't know his brothers or that girlfriend of his. Whats taking you so long you are one of my best people so dont disappoint me." i sighed and said. "Y-Yes sir, if what im about to does not work i will hurt all of them all at once.... Think of it, the more people in his life in danger at one the more it will hurt him." i could hear him smirk and then he chuckled. "And this is why you are one of the best i got... dont disappoint me." and with that he ended the call. i stood up and fixed my hair and my skirt, well this better work cause i really dont want to do the other plan... its too much of a hassle. i walked over to Alex and sat in his girls seat. "oh Alex can you do me a favor?" i said in a seductive voice while twirling my hair. he looked up at me hesitantly. "Y-Yea sure, what do you need?" i put my hand on his. "well i was hoping you could get me the book on that top shelf its way to high for me." he moved his hand away in discomfort and nodded his head while leaving to get the book.  i saw that his phone was just sitting there open to a conversation with the name of 'Princesse💜' oh goodie this will help too. i taped on the message bar and typed. "hey i miss you, come to our spot so we can study together." now i just have to wait till she comes and then i kiss him and hopefully they break up... are they even dating i dont remember him talking about how he asked her out and i know all the stories... what i had to do a back ground check so i could get close. Alex came back and handed me the book and i asked him questions about classes to make time pass till that girl comes.

*Roses P.O.V*

i was surprised when i got Alex's text because we both agreed with exams coming we should spend the day studying so we dont distract each other again. so i got up, changed out of my sweats into jeans and his sweatshirt and went to the library to meet Alex.

when i got there i start walking to our spot when i stop dead in my tracks when i see a girl in my spot flirting with Alex. "thank you so much... i guess i should give you a reward." and then the leans in and kisses him. I hid behind the wall hearing them kiss, tears started to threaten to leave so i left but not without the books behind me falling and Alex looking at me crying with a shocked face and with that i ran out of the library. not even a minuet of leaving the library someone catches my hand. "Princesse let me explain please..." i tried to loosen his grip on me so i could run but he doesn't let go. "what is there to talk about you kissed another girl which shouldn't surprise me because we arent even dating so i dont even know why im crying over this." i said through sobs. he cups my cheek and rubbed a tear away. "Princesse you are the only one that i love... she asked me for a favor i dont know what that kiss was for and the only reason why we arent dating is because i haven't found a perfect time to ask you out... im sorry that i left my guard down and let her kiss me because the only person i want to kiss at this very moment is you, not her or any other girl just you." i looked up at him tears still threatening to fall, he moved is hands from my cheeks and wrapped his arms around me into a big hug. "Please dont cry Princesse i cant stand to see you cry." i wrapped my arms around him this time. "Y-You s-said you loved me?" he looked at me with a adoration and said. "Yes i did." i smiled at him and hugged him tighter and mumbled into his chest. "i love you too." He pulled back a little with shock on his face that was quickly replaced with a grin on his face as he cupped my cheeks. "Will you Rose Hendricks be ma princesse (my princess) and be my girlfriend?" i nodded my head and pecked his lips. "i will love to be your girlfriend."and with that we went inside to get his stuff and we went to see a movie.

*Maddisons pov*

well that didnt work... i was hoping i didnt have to go to plan B but it looks like i have no choice... watch out Daniel because im coming to get what you love the most your girlfriend... Alice Jones...

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