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*daniels Pov*
"Hey guys he's starting to stir!" Ah that sweet voice it's been so long since I heard Alices voice... ALICES VOICE!! My eyes shot open once I realized that she's back, but all the blood rushed to my head and gave me a headache. "Easy there bro, you've been asleep for a whole day." It took awhile for my eyes readjust to the light and then I realized I was in the infirmary. "What? Why am I in the infirmary?" Alice was right beside me, Rose and Alex were at the foot of my bed holding hands, and Carter and Chris... well Carter was right next to Rose and Chris was he was on the other side of me sitting in a chair while tapping his fingers as he always does when he is annoyed. "Well you were talking to my teacher and then you passed out..." Alice spoke after a small silence and then Alex spoke. "The doctor said you had a panic attack and you were also exhausted so I guess not making you sleep on our flight back was a bad thing, I mean you were up for 36 hours so yea..." I nodded my head to what Alex just said and then Alice clapped her hands. "Well I'm thirsty, does anyone else want a drink?" Everyone just shook their head so she just shrugged and walked out... that was weird no matter what whenever one of us leaves even if it will be for a little or on the phone we always say "love you" I guess she forgot. "Hey have you noticed she's been acting a little weird since she's got back this morning?" I gave cater a questioning look as the others thought for a moment and then nodded. "What do you mean by acting weird? Alice always acts weird, it's just who she is." She was quiet for a moment and then finally spoke. "Well when she came in the apartment this morning she didn't scream her "Honey, I'm home!" like she normally does when she comes back from a trip or had a long day of classes and work." She did that? "Maybe the trip made her exhausted?" We all thought for a moment and then Rose turned to me. "Daniel, although Carter and I are her best friends, you probably know her better then us... please see if there is anything bugging her and besides she tells you everything." Before I could reply Alice came back in with drinks. "Honey I got your favorite! I got you Orange Cream!" My favorite is Root Beer... I haven't like Orange Cream since... since before I left the gang. Alice also knows I love Root Beer, she'd bring me one every Thursday, I never even told her that I used to like Orange Cream too. I looked up at my brothers who gave me a confused look so I just shrugged a little and put a fake delighted smile on my face. "Thanks babe... for bringing me my most oh so favorite type of soda." She smiles to herself and then sat back down. Something isn't adding up this seems to weird, Alice never breaks a tradition and she brings me a soda I haven't liked in years and I haven't even told her I used to like it so there would be no way of her knowing. "Babe you know what we should get for dinner one night.... sushi...."  Alice hates sushi because it ruined her life... she used to go get sushi with her grandfather every Saturday night it was their tradition and then one Saturday night they decided they would walk to their favorite place, but as they walked in they realized it was being robbed. Alice was five at the time so she didn't know what was happening so she kept asking the man why he had a gun, why everyone was scared, why was the gun pointed at the cashier, and what was taking so long to get the sushi... the burglar was tired of the questioning so he pointed the gun at her and shot... but it hit her grandfather. As he was bleeding the cops and the paramedics came and took both the burglar and her grandfather away. All that Alice could do was stand there and watch, her grandfather died the next morning, his body was to old and fragile to keep up with the wound. She still blames herself for making it a tradition and ever since then she has never ate a piece of sushi again... only three people outside of the family know that story, the reason she refuses to eat sushi and that's me, Carter, and Rose. I look up at them as they give me a dirty look and then I looked over at Alice. "Daniel... you know I don't eat sushi. You also know why.... how could you bring it up!" And with that she stormed out... maybe it is the real Alice. "Alice!" I called after her but she was already gone. "Daniel, why would you do that to her you know that's a sensitive topic for her, even if it was 16 years ago!" And with that both Rose and Carter went after Alice. "Daniel... what was that about?" I looked at my brothers and shrugged as I grunted into a pillow. "Long story short I thought there was a possibility that Alice wasn't the real Alice... I never told her that I used to like Orange Cream and plus she never breaks tradition.... I guess I was wrong..."

*alice pov* •warning there is violence•
Craack! "Come on Alice you know you want to tell us." Craack! My body... it hurts. As another crack came I flinched, but this time it didn't even touch me. "Of course you're going to be stubborn... put her in the chains till she's ready to talk."  No, no, no not the chains! I grunted as they pushed me off the crate and pulled me up by my hair. I yelped, they pulled it harder then normal... which means Maddison is getting impatient. I walked over to the wall... more like I was pulled to the wall. One guy took my right hand and the other guy took my left hand, raised them and cuffed them to the wall. Once they were done they went back to the door and Maddison came back in with the whip. "Poor sweet Alice... you think Daniel will come save you? I doubt it... as you know I'm going there to be you but I can't unless you tell me all the things  that he knows and will question me on." She stepped closer and squished my face in her hand. "I don't understand how he could fall for you... I mean you are just a tramp only using him for his money." Before she could say anything I bit her hand... which she slapped me... hard. "You bitch!" With that she swung her arm with the whip back and flung it forward. Craaack! I groaned all I wanted to do is crawl into a ball and sleep for eternity. "What's wrong Alice? Cat got your tongue?" I bit my lip before I said something that would cause another whipping. "Fine... if torture isn't going to get you to talk I know what will... bring them in!" The two guys came back in with Ruby and her niece... no they are innocent, Ruby has been my friend the whole time I was here, she even tried to persuade B.M. not to torture me but he told her to stop or her niece will be the punishment. "NO DON'T HURT THEM!! I-I'll talk." Ruby, her brother... and her niece was like a second family I had here... they kept me safe... for the most part. I can't be the reason they get hurt! With that the two guys took them away and I told her... everything. "Alice! Wake up! You're having a bad dream." I woke up slowly... and saw Ruby and her niece at the side of my bed. "How... How bad is it this time?" I tried to get up but everything hurt. "Alice, Maddison left this morning... you won't be getting hurt anymore... my brother made a deal with B.M. as long as you do what he says you won't get hurt anymore... please Alice do everything he says." Maddison left... to take over my life... to break Daniel. "Ruby I'm..." Before I could even finish the sentence her niece gave me a light hug. "Thank you for saving me and auntie." And with that she gave me a sad smile and left. "Alice you didn't have to tell them." I slowly moved my hand to Rubies. "I couldn't let you and your niece get hurt... because of me. Just promise me one thing... if anything happens to me during this whole time and I'm gone when Daniel comes... tell him- tell him..." A tear slipped out of my eye and Ruby held me while I was bawling. "Shh, nothing will happen to you... he will figure it out, that it isn't the correct Alice and come find you... all you have to do is believe in him to come and find you and trust that me and my brother will keep you safe." I didn't even answer her I just fell back into the dark dreams that I call hell.

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