deja vu comes true

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*SPLASH* "BLOODY HELL ANA WHAT WAS THAT FOR" i look at her with a death glare and she grinning ear to ear "hey i told you to get up so GET UP" i just sigh "fine but first i'm getting payback" i grabbed last nights whipped cream that i had with my ice cream and when the can was done i grabbed my rainbow sprinkles and dumped them on her head "now i will get changed" "your lucky we still have 2 hours to leave" i get changed and then there are knocks on the door it must be rose and carter i went to open the door and rose ran to the dorm and hugged ana "please don't leave for 5 weeks" i laugh "thanks rose nice to know you don't care if i leave... love you too"  and then she looks up and looks surprise that ana was there "what are you doing here it's not visiting hours" ana chuckles and then said "wow thanks and i'm here because i may or may not be seeing your head master so he gave me a pass to be able to visit any time i want so now who's hungry"  carter jumps up "I AM!"  and then she runs to the kitchen to grab a plate ana chuckled and says "i meant out to eat like mcgriddle or green apple" rose shouted green apple and carter shouted mcgriddle so i was left to decide "ummmmm i guess ANNIES" ana she shook her head "how about we just go to mcgriddle and then you guy can get you want now let's go so alice can pack" and then we leave.... we just got to mcgriddle the ride was basically singing halloween songs and some Christmas songs  "i can't believe you guys are going to be in paris for the last two weeks of October and first three weeks of November we're going to miss you alice... and ana" ana laughs "thanks rose i'll miss you too" and then we all break out to laughing and then carter turns to rose and said "so how's it going with you know who..." and then me and ana start ohhhing while rose goes in a slight blush and then she says "well it was going great i thought he was going to ask me out last night but the important thing he had to ask was if i knew how to wash socks so i really don't know  if we are going to date.... so alice while your in paris-" and then she grabbed my shoulders "you have to find me and carter a cute guy cause well we all know the guy she likes won't ask her out so might as well find one for her" i just laughed and said "sure"

we just got to paris we had a 12 hour flight plus a 2 hour delay "soooo let's go sight seeing" hmm how did i know that was going to happen "ana i told you i'm tired so let's just go to the hotel and sleep please" she gives me a questioning look and opens her mouth like she about to say something and then she closes it and then mumbles fine and left to go get a cab for us"

"ALICE GET UP LETS GO TO A MUSEUM AND GO SIGHT SEEING" i just turn over and mumble go away and then she jumps on the bed "don't make me drag you off this bed" i just curl up in my blanket and mumbled five more minutes so she kept to her promise and grabbed my ankles and the dragged me off of the bed which didn't do anything i just curled up more in my blanket and she said "fine" and then walked away and a minute later she came back and said "if you won't get up to me dragging you out of bed maybe you will wake up to this" and then all i felt was ice cold water "ANA... how many times are you going to dump water on me... especially cold water" she just smirks and says "i will stop when you get up when i tell you now go get changed so we go to the museum" i just growl and say "i'm not going to the museum i'm going to look around the area and find a book store and get books" she just sighs and says "you and books.... now shoo shoo go get ready i put some clothes in the bathroom so go get changed i want to leave" i just grunt and then walk in the bathroom to get changed.

"stay in the area dont go to far i'll text you when i'm done" ana says as she's walking in the museum. so i start walking and then i saw the crèpes store still crowded so i walk a little more and i find the same book store i wait a while to make sure that guy doesn't come and when i think he isn't coming i start to walk up the stairs nd then BAM the door opens and hits me and i fall in the ground.... grr i thought it wasn't going to happen "OMG ARE YPU OK...i'm so sorry i'm in a hurry i was watching my brother and then my twin chris called saying he needed help and it was urgent i'm so so sorry i hit you with a door and then i start rambling on and on and on.... i should probably stop." and then he hold out his hand so i took it and then he helped me up "hi i'm alex and i am really sorry about that... what were we talking about again?" i give him a silent chuckle and say " i'm alice and you you were going on how your brother needs help." his face lit up and then he said "OH YEA... i have to go... i'm really sorry about that and can't wait to see you again" and then he left he such a weird person i walked into the book store and look around looking for the mystery section. i found a book and i'm halfway through reading the back and then i hear "hey beautiful" i just roll my eyes and ignored him "do you think their police near by?" i sigh and turn to him and when i was face to face with him he looked like a younger version of that guy that hit me with the door "yea, probably... why" he mumbles damn it and then says "cause i was going to steal your heart" i just roll my eyes and then walk to the other side of the shelf and looked for another book... for a while no one was bugging me and then i hear a sigh for where i just was and then i hear him walking over and then he comes over to me and then puts each hand on either side of my head and then i turn around to face him and then he smiles "kiss me if i'm wrong but dinosaurs still exist right?" and then i grin... he's not giving up is he "no you are not wrong dinosaurs still exist there are some animals that go back to the dinosaurs so no you are not wrong so there will be no kissing... now if you excuse me i have to go pay for my books." he chuckled and said "not unless you agree to go on a date with me" i roll my eyes and then duck under his arm and start walking to the register "no thanks" and then i hear him fallowing "why not..." i turn around and face him "you don't give up do you" he just smirks and says "no i do give up on some things unless i see something i want and right now i want you... to go on a date with me" i just stare at him for a while and then i finally said "look my older sister is a the museum and when she is done we are going back to the hotel so no i ca-" *DING* i look at my phone and it's a text from ana "hey kiddo i met some people at the museum and we are going to go to more museums meet me at the hotel between 9-10 seeya" i just sigh and then he says "so you are free so how about that date" i sigh "fine but it's not a date we are just hanging out" and then he smiles and dragged me to the register so o can pay for my books and then he dragged me out of the store "so we meet again so soon too" and i stare at him for a little and then i see him standing next to i guess chris so i turned to chris and said "you must be chris the twin" and then he nodded and then i turn to the mystery guy and he looked really confused and then i open my mouth to explain but then alex explains for me "i hit her with the door while i went to see chris cause he had some kind of emergency which was cause he didn't know WHAT HE WANTED ON HIS CRÈPES!!!" we all laughed at his out burst and then mystery guy said "since you already know my brothers i guess i'll intrude myself i am daniel but my friends call me danny " i nodded and told him my name and then he turned to his brothers and said "i'm taking her on a date so tell mother i'll be gone till sometime tonight" alex nodded and turned to me and said "watch out and make sure he doesn't get in any trouble... have fun on your date" i sighed and said "it's not a date" and then danny grabbed my hand and dragged me away

It started with a pick up lineDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora