Yodeling rooters

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*Alex's Pov*
"N-No stay away from me I don't want to wear that... it stinks!!" I look at our old high school mascots uniform. We used it for all of the punishments since freshman year so the last day of senior year we decided to buy the school a new one as long as they give us this one... and believe me it stinks, they say that they washed it but it smells like it hasn't been washed in like 20 years... I'm going to need like 6 showers after this. It was totally worth it of keeping it... as long as you aren't the one going to put on the suit. "Come on please don't make me wear this." I pleaded but they didn't listen. "Well... we could say never mind you don't have to wear it but where is the fun in that." I glared at Daniel and huffed, then I turned towards Chris who was in the kitchen. "Chris... can you please put something not... gross in that cup... I said I was sorry about last night!" He walked over to the counter and set everything down and then he looked at me. "Well you see Chris all of this was for the punishment it wasn't for that call you made but since you brought that up I might as well add one more gross thing." Ever since last night Chris has been in such a pissy mood because one Daniel touched his food when he said no and two because I called carter without him knowing and then I gave him the phone and as she was trying to get an answer from him, he just choked on his words and then dropped the phone and ran to the kitchen where his food was. I sighed in defeat and went to go put the stupid suit on and I have to put the mask on when I get there. You may be asking what type of suit is it well you see our teams were called the rooters and then after a long game we got the name of yodeling rooters because all game the people on the bench would sing and they sounded like they were yodeling so they changed the mascot to a rooster in suspenders and shorts. "Alright now put this mask on and then let's go. I looked at the cop and cringed "What is in this cup?" Chris shrugged. "Only mayonnaise, relish, mustard, eggs, coffee grounds, ranch, and finally honey." I sighed before trying to put it on. "It smells so horrible, why did you put all of this in here." He just shrugged while motioning for me to hurry up. "I don't know... the mayonnaise was the extra thing by the way." I groaned as I put it on. "Oh and by the way it's not just the main it's all three." I glared at Daniel. "Hey that's so unfair it has always been only one place and then they could take it off!" He glanced back at me through the mirror. "Ah but you see I didn't piss Chris off that much yesterday and besides it will be fun." I just roll my eyes and mumbled. "Pft, yea for you guys." Time to humiliate myself.
*Alice's Pov*
I grew close to Ruby these past weeks, her brother who I found out his name is Michel and he was okay I guess, he was still a little creepy but he was still a good guy, he said sorry for kidnapping but since I knew the reasons why he had to do it I was fine with it. "Hey Alice do you want to go down to the cinema room and watch that movie I told you about?" I was given more access then just the kitchen thanks to Ruby and Michel. I can now go to the game room, cinema room, the pool, and outside. For a gang house it's pretty big. "Yea sure! I'll meet you down there I just have to grab something first." I love sitting down at the cinema the chairs are a recliner, have either a speaker so you can hear it better or headphones, and it can also give you a message. Besides not being able to use the phone or anything unless B.M. allows it, its actually quite nice I just wish that they weren't trying to kill me and the rest of them and that I wasn't held captive against my will. "So this is Alice... yea I'll be able to mimic her and with the new voice tuner you made the inventors create, I can now have the same voice as her." I look over and see the girl who's in all of my classes she was always quiet though. She then takes a small rectangular thing and puts it on her neck. "See I sound just like her." My eyes grow wide. "H-How did you do that? How did you get my voice... what do you plan on doing with my voice?" She smirks I guess evilly. "You really are dull... for the next two weeks I will be following you around... seeing how you normally do things, then after two weeks I will be living your life... until the plan starts to unfold, but by then it wouldn't matter because they will think you betrayed them and hate you... if they come out alive." I gasped as her smirk grows wider. "But why me? I did nothing." "Ah but that's where you are wrong." I jumped at the sudden voice and turned my head towards it. It came from a guy that looked maybe 30, had a slight stubble with dark hair and in a suit. "W-What do you mean." He chuckled as he sat on the recliner across from me. "Because of you Daniel left and I don't let people leave this gang that easy... so I'm using you as an example showing that no one can do this again." I mocked a laugh at him. "Do you really think Daniel will fall for this little trap? If he is as good as people are saying he is, there is no way that he will fall for it." He smirks as he sits up. "Ah but that's where you are wrong little one... Daniel loves you to the point he would do almost anything for you, so if "Alice" tells him to fallow her to the trap he might fallow, and then he will go missing for a while and then if his brothers follow and then they "accidentally" get killed and then you magically show up without a scratch... who do you think their family... your friends will blame for their deaths? I'd say they would blame you... wouldn't you agree?" I gasped at hearing this plan. "W-Who are you? Why would you do this?" His smirk grows wider. "I know you've heard of me... I mean this is my gang after all, as for why? Well I told you to teach him a lesson and to show everyone not to mess with me." I gasped again after realizing who it is. "You-your B.M.!" His smirked turned into a grin. "Come on Alice I know you know what it means... go on and say it." I open my mouth to say it but I couldn't... the words just couldn't leave my mouth. "I said say it!" I flinched at the tone of his voice. "B-B-Blue murder!"

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