Clap for Carers (2020)

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Stephen was watching the telly and he then looked at his watch and it was nearly eight o clock and he called Charlie.


Charlie" I'M COMING"

Stephen watched as Charlie made her way down the stairs and then looked at him.

Stephen" You ready?"

Charlie*nods* holding her phone*

Stephen" You going to film this on your Instagram"

Charlie" Yeah of course"

The Donnelly Daughter

Charlie has gone live on Instagram!

Charlie" Hey all my lovely followers, so me and Stephen are just about to go out and clap for carers aren't we Stephen?"

Stephen" We are, we are going to clap for our amazing NHS and all the things they have been doing"

Charlie" We are so grateful to have the NHS and we shouldn't take them for granted when this goes back to normal"

Stephen*glances at his watch* Seven fifty-seven"

Charlie" If my dad, Ali and Isla are watching this I miss you all so much and can't wait till I can hug you all again"

Stephen" Seven fifty-nine"

Stephen and Charlie listen to see if they can hear anything first and they hear someone with a trumpet or something.

Charlie" Is that a trumpet?"

Stephen*smiles* Sounds like it"

They then start cheering and whooping. They listen as all you can hear is everybody clapping and screaming.

Charlie" You know some people have saucepan and spoon to bang"

Stephen*looks at Charlie*smiles* Really?"

Charlie*smiles* giggling* Yeah I think Ruth has one when they do clap for carers"

Stephen*grins* I can imagine that"

They then listen as everyone has stopped clapping and Stephen looks at his watch and its 8:03.

Charlie" Well thanks for watching guys, I hope you clapped for carers"

Thanks for watching!

Charlie" I love going out there and doing that"

Stephen" Me too, just our NHS is just incredible for what they are doing for everyone"

Charlie" You know in a way I don't want things to go back to normal"

Stephen*looks confused* Oh why is that?"

Charlie" Well with everyone locked in and there is no aeroplanes in the sky, no cars on the road everything has just had a chance to breathe and be free, the earth is healing and when we go back it will just go to pot again"

Stephen" Oh"

Charlie" I know no one wants to hear that, they just want to be ignorant and pretend it isn't happening"

Stephen" All we can do, is do our bit"

Charlie" Yeah I suppose, I do all I can to help the environment and I have got you to do it haven't I"

Stephen" Yeah, of course, it did make me think of all the things we do every day and how much food we do waste"



Just clapped for carers with @StephenMulhern if anyone is wondering yeah I am still stuck with him, missing Dad @antanddec Ali and my baby sister Isla.


I miss you too @Charlie_Donnelly we all miss you lots D X

@antanddec @Charlie_Donnelly

Me and Anne Marie miss you too Charlie! A X

@Charlie_Donnelly @antanddec

We have to get back on Zoom and have a group quiz or something.

@antanddec @Charlie_Donnelly

Oh, definitely nothing like a good quiz!.

@StephenMulhern @Charlie_Donnelly

What do you mean you are stuck with me?

@Charlie_Donnelly @Stephen Mulhern Oh you know I love you really.

@StephenMulhern @Charlie_Donnelly Of course I do.

@antanddec @Charlie_Donnelly Always let us know if Nonsense is getting on your nerves. A X

@Charlie_Donnelly @antanddec Don't worry I will.

Hey, so a little something for you guys, it's not that long but it's just something for you guys. I really hope you like it, let me know what you think in the comments or message me. Also if you could vote that would be amazing.

Someone did have a trumpet where I lived and we all laughed when we heard it. Also, I'm always doing my bit to save the environment and go plastic-free. X

Hope you enjoyed it.


Fictionally_Famous38 X

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