Odin and Ostara (2020)

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Charlie holds up her costume.

Charlie" I don't know about this Stephen?"

Stephen" Oh come on it's not that bad"

Charlie" Wait till dad and Ant see their costumes, they will kill you"

Stephen" Not funny"

Charlie" I'm serious wait till you see there faces" *starts laughing*

Stephen" Come on try yours on"

Charlie" Okay, alright give me a sec"

Charlie tries her costume on in the mirror and looks at it.

Charlie" Definitely one of the weirdest costume I have worn"

She comes out and Stephen looks at her.

Charlie" Don't you dare laugh"

Stephen*hand over his mouth* I'm not"

Charlie" I don't know why you are laughing, you look just as silly"

Stephen*sticks his tongue out*

Charlie*sticks hers out*

Stephen" Look I am just going to check something I'll see you before show starts"

Charlie" Okay"

Charlie sits down as Ant and Dec walk in.

Dec" Told you she would be in here, I know my daughter"

Ant" And she is always in Stephen's dressing room"

Dec" Yeah that too"

Charlie" Hey, Dad, Ant what do you want?"

They sit down either side of Charlie and smile.

Charlie" Okay what are you planning?"

Dec*smiles cheekily* We have had a idea"

Ant" We don't know what the Ant VS Dec is but we have been told there is a big finale"

Charlie" Yeah I can't tell you what it is but it does have a big finish"

Dec" We want Stephen to be in it and not us"


Ant" What do you think?"

Charlie*smiles* Oh Stephen, but I am a Donnelly so I am in"

Dec" Yes"hugs her* That's my daughter"

Ant*smiles* This is going to be brilliant"

Ant stood with Dec as they were having their mics fitted and both looked at each other.

Ant" Ready Dec?"

Dec" Ready Ant!"


The Donnelly Daughter (Charlie) has gone live on instagram!

Charlie" So we are on a break but this is what happens when we throw to the break"*shows the stage with the camera*

Stephen" The boys get their makeup touched up and they have some water"

Charlie" Yeah some people might not know this but when you are on stage especially if its live you do get nervous and your mouth can go very dry"

Stephen" We did it millions of times on BGMT"

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