Mummies Know Best (Saturday Night Takeaway 2016)

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More cute Donnelly moments! 

Charlie sits with Stephen they were talking about this years Ant VS Dec.

Stephen" I have this great idea, that we could do this mummy task"

Charlie*looks at Stephen weird*

Stephen" No, no heard me out"

Charlie" Okay, I'm listening"

Stephen" Well, we get Ant and Dec to answer questions while they are being wrapped like mummies and who ever answers the most wins"

Charlie" Where do you get these ideas?'

Stephen" I don't know they just sort of come to me"

Charlie*laughs* Your weird"

Stephen" Well that's why I host BGMT"


Stephen" Cheeky, you are just like your father you are"

Charlie" I know, everyone tells me that"

Stephen then grabs Charlie starts to tickle her. Charlie wriggles around.

Charlie" Ahhh, Stephen gets off"

Stephen digs his fingers in her ribs and she giggles and wriggles around, then Ant and Dec walked in.

Dec" Stephen Mulhern what have I told you about tickling my daughter"

Stephen*smiles* Hi Guys"

Ant" Hi Steve, so are you going to tell us what you got planned for Ant VS Dec"

Stephen" No you try and get it out of us every weeks"

Charlie*now cuddling in Stephen* Yeah you can't know its part of the surprise"

Dec" God, I always get worried about this, what you two have cooked up"

Charlie" Its usually always Stephen who comes up with the weird ideas"

Stephen*pokes Charlie in the ribs*


Dec*sits the other side of Charlie*pulls her in* So you excited for the show tonight?"

Charlie" Yeah, very excited especially for Ant VS Dec"

Ant" Oh god"*smiles* shakes his head*

Charlie stood with Stephen both were sitting in his dressing room, they had a hour till they went live and Ant and Dec were getting ready, getting their suits ready and getting their make up done.

Charlie" My tummy is doing flips again"

Stephen" Its normal to be nervous"

Charlie" I know you never look like you get nervous"

Stephen" I do a lot, its just when you get up there the adrenaline takes over"

Charlie" Yeah that is very true, I think i just get nervous on every show"

Stephen" It's okay, you know me, Ant and your Dad have got you"

Charlie" I know thanks"*hugs him*

Everyone was rushing around, desperate to get the show ready and Ant and Dec were standing by. The show went live and Charlie heard her dad and Ant say that iconic line. Don't just watch the adverts win them!!!!. When the time came for Ant VS Dec, Stephen came out in a Egyptian outfit all done up and then Charlie walks out in a Egyptian outfit as well. The audience starts chanting Stephen and Charlie.

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