Heads Up!(BGMT)(2018)

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Stephen and Charlie walk in with their phones to see the judges.

Simon" Oh uh, watch out here comes Mulhern and Donnelly"

Charlie" Hi guys!"

Stephen" Hey, that's my line"

Charlie*tongue sticks out*" Well now it's mine too"

Stephen" Cheeky"*pokes her side*

Stephen" Okay so we have a new game to play"

David" I was going to say is there a reason you two are here"

Stephen and Charlie walk up to Ant and Dec.

Ant" Oh no, is it that time, here comes Nonsense and Little D"

Charlie*hugs her dad*

Dec" Hey you, what do you two want?"

Charlie" Me and Stevie here have got a game for you to play"

Stephen" It's called Heads up, it's been made especially for the show"

Charlie" Do you want to have a go?"

Ant" Yeah sure why not"

David" So what is this game?"

Stephen" Heads up"

Charlie" BGMT Edition!" *excited* I'm excited"

David" Oh we can tell"*smiling*

Stephen" So who is holding the phone"

David" I'll hold the phone give it here"

Stephen" Wait, hold the phone" *phone gestures to his ear*

Charlie*hands over her face* You are as bad as dad"

David then holds the phone up to his forehead to show Simon.

Amanda Holden

Simon" She is the oldest girl on the panel"

Amanda then comes in and slaps him making Stephen and Charlie giggle.

David" Amanda Holden"

Simon" Yes"

Dec holds the phone to his forehead and Ant explains it.


Ant" It's something he does when he is doing this" *starts juggling with his hands*

Dec" Unbelievable"

Ant" No"

Dec" Hot potato"

Ant" Yes!"

David Walliams

Amanda" Oh he sits on the end next to you"

Alesha" Oh David Walliams"

Stephen and Charlie" Yeah!"


Simon" What you have for me, a physical"

David swears being naughty and playing up sending Stephen and Charlie into giggles and Simon ends up telling him to behave.

The Donnelly Daughter

Amanda" Oh, Oh, she is the other half of Stephen"

Alesha" Oh Charlie"

Amanda" Yeah but what do we call her, her nickname"

Alesha" Oh The Donnelly Daughter!

Charlie" Yes Alesha!" *high fives her*

Stephen" Aww, it's my other half" *pulls her close*


Simon" The things you hit, the red thing and the gold thing"

David swears again.

Simon" No, now you are just being silly"

Charlie" It's funny"

Simon" Don't encourage him"

David" A buzzer, Simon"

Britains Got More Talent

Amanda" It's on the other channel"

Alesha" What channel?"

Stephen and Charlie*hands to their chests*

Amanda" It's just won a virtual telly award"

Alesha" Oh Britains Got More Talent, you know you should be watching BGMT"


Ant" Oh she is related to you we call her Little D"

Dec" My daughter, CHARLIE!"

Charlie*smiles* Yes dad!"


Simon" What Alesha really is"

David" A rapper, oh a dancer"


David" What do we win?"

Simon" Nothing because you started showing off as usual"

David" Did I"

Alesha starts laughing.

Stephen" How many did they get?"

Charlie" Seven!"

Stephen" And you girls got nine, so you are the winners"

Alesha, Amanda, Stephen and Charlie all go doosh to the camera. 

So let me know what you think of this, it was very fun to edit as short as it is. 

Hope you liked! 


Fictionally_Famous38 X 

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