Ant Vs Dec Vs Power Tools

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Make sure you join us after the break as me and @StephenMulhern host the final decider of Ant Vs Dec.

Stephen and Charlie stand outside, Stephen dressed up like a drill and Ant and Dec stand either side of them. The whole audience from inside has come to see the final decider and are standing in a circle around the large track that has been created outside Television Centre.

Stephen" Yes, here we are the final decider of Ant Vs Dec"

Charlie" Whoever wins this, will win the series"

Stephen" This is Ant Vs Dec Vs Power Tools"

Charlie" So as you can see the whole audience has come out to watch this"

The whole audience starts cheering.

Stephen" Now this is Ant Vs Dec VS Power Tools!"

Ant" Stop saying power tools"

Ant the grabs Stephen's drill and shakes it and Stephen groans.

Ant" You liked that didn't you"

Stephen" If you really want to turn me on press this"

He points to a switch and Charlie puts her head in her hands.

Charlie" So there is three different power tools but also three different pit stops where you will change your power tools"

Stephen" Who ever gets to the finish line first is the winner, so are we ready"

Ant" Yes Stevie"

Charlie" Ready dad?"

Dec" Ready"

Both Ant and Dec make their way over to the first stretch of track. They lay themselves on the board then place their hands on the sanders.

Charlie" Now remember do not try this at home, all these tools have been specially designed for this Ant Vs Dec"

Stephen" And if you do try to make one yourself then you are stupid"

Charlie*nudges him*" Stephen!"

Stephen" What?"

Stephen"Okay when you are ready on your marks, get set"

Charlie" GO!"

Both lads race off after Fleur has waved her flag and they set off, both at the same speed but then Dec takes the lead and gets to the next pit stop first.

Charlie" Okay I am being told that dad has passed Ant and he is in the lead, okay now he has reached the next pit stop and he is now undoing the chain to unlock his next power tool"

Stephen" The next power tool is leaf blowers and all they have to do is unlock it by keeping the tool spinning and they have both unlocked it but who will get in there first"

Charlie" And Ant has taken the lead, come on Dad, you can do this"

Ant continues to take the lead his leaf blowers blowing the leaves in Dec's face.

Stephen" And Ant continues to take the lead, his leaves blowing in Dec's face, they are nearly there they have to round this corner"

Charlie" And Ant is deliberately blocking dad, he is not letting him past"

Both then stop as the leaf blowers stop and both rush to undo the chains on the next tool. Dec is first whipping it out of there very quick and then he is off.

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