This Morning Interview (IAC 2021)

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-Dec's Cottage-

Both Charlie and Stephen were sitting on the sofa, Charlie was slowly healing, she still had some bruises and her arm was still in a sling but she was feeling better. Stephen hands her some more water.

Stephen" Hey, here have some more water"

Charlie" Stephen, I'm fine"

Stephen" You need to keep hydrated after what happened"

Charlie" Stephen I have a broken arm not broken legs I can move about"

Stephen" I know I just want to make sure you stay hydrated"

Charlie" I know, thank you but I am fine, look I have to go use the toilet"

Stephen" Oh let me help you"

Stephen leaps up to try and help Charlie. She then pushes him away.

Charlie" Stephen, I don't need help I am fine, if you don't stop fussing over me i'm going to break up with you"

Stephen sighs as he moves aside and Charlie strolls out of the room in a huff. Minutes later Dec walks in with Isla.

Dec" Hey Stevie what's up?"

Stephen" You daughter"

Dec" Oh right, how's that, lovers tiff?"

Stephen" I just want her to know that I'm here for her, I want her to look after her after what happened"

Dec" Awww, Stephen, I know you do and I appreciate that perhaps not as much Charlie though"


Dec puts Isla on the floor and she makes her way over to Rocky and starts hugging him. Dec sits with Stephen and puts a arm on his shoulder.

Dec" Just give her some space, she is probably going crazy not doing anything"

Stephen" I know I just care about her a lot"

Dec*smiles* I know you do"

Charlie is sitting on her bed when Ali walks in.

Ali" Hey, Charlie you okay?"

Charlie" Yeah, just Stephen is getting on my nerves, he won't stop fussing over me"

Ali" Aww, it's sweet"

Charlie" It was at first now he is just annoying me"

Ali sits on the bed and pulls Charlie into a hug.

Ali" I know how you feel I remember Dec fussing over me too much when I was pregnant with Isla"

Charlie" I love Stephen, he is a kind, caring amazing boyfriend but"

Ali" But"

Charlie" I don't know I just, I guess I am just fed up of being stuck inside"

Ali" You probably just need to rest up for a few more days then you can go out"

Charlie" I know, I want to get out, get a bit of exercise and a different bit of scenery, perhaps not in a storm though this time"

Ali" Don't worry, I'm sure you will be able to go out soon, go on why don't you go see Stephen"

Charlie" Alright, thanks Ali"

Charlie hugs Ali and Ali kisses her forehead.

Charlie comes back into the kitchen and Ant has arrived and is sitting with her dad and a computer is sat in front of them. Charlie walks over to them.

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