On Tour with Diversity (2012)

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Authors Notes (1)
Enjoy, pics in this one.

Charlie" Dad, please, this would be amazing for me?"

Dec" So let me get this straight, you want me to let you go on tour with Diversity an all male dance group "

Charlie" Yeah that is what I am saying"

Dec" Well, I would say no"

Charlie" Dad, please, you know how much I love dancing"

Dec" I know but boys, Charlie"

Charlie" I know but dad I'm not a teenager anymore"

Dec" You are only just, look you are still my little girl"

Charlie" Pleasseeee!"

Dec*sighs*  Let me think about it"

Charlie" Fine"

Ant enters after Charlie goes upstairs.

Ant" Hey man, how's it going?"

Dec" It's Charlie, she wants to go on tour with Diversity"

Ant" Yeah so why can't she"

Dec" They are all male, Ant"

Ant" Very true but she isn't a teenager anymore Dec"

Dec" She is still nineteen"

Ant" Yeah but she is twenty this year, she is growing up, she isn't thirteen anymore"

Dec" I know I just"

Ant" Is it the boys?"

Dec" Yeah, mostly that yeah"

Ant" Yeah but we know this men don't we, we know they will look after her"

Dec" They are nice lads, I mean we have known them since 2009 when they won BGT"

Ant" Exactly, trust me Dec, she will be fine, I'm sure she we let you know but tweeting and posting pics"

Dec" Alright, alright"

The day that Charlie was to head off on tour she was packing.

Dec"Alright, I want you to look after yourself, no eating too much bad food and staying up late"

Charlie" Dad i will be fine, promise, don't worry"

Dec" I always worry I am your dad"

Both Donnellys share a hug.

Charlie" Dad"

Dec lets go.

Dec" Love you"

Charlie" Love you too dad"

-o2 Arena-

It was really early...but all of Diversity and Charlie had made it to the arena and a lot of the crew were setting up. Charlie held her phone.

Just chilling with @therealashbanjo before show.

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