Preparing For Christmas (2020)

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Charlie stood in Stephens's arms and he holds her.

Stephen" What do you think of the tree then?"

Charlie" I love it"

Stephen" And is that just because it has Harry Potter on it"

Charlie" Maybe.."*giggles*

Stephen" You know this year may have been crap because of covid and may not have been the year we were expecting but I got something great out of it"

Charlie" What is that?"

Stephen" You silly"

Charlie" Oh, I'm happy I have you too, you make me smile when I feel down and make me feel safe"

Stephen*kisses her forehead*

Charlie" Do you think I'm going to see dad for Christmas"

Stephen" I don't know the rules and restrictions keep changing"

Charlie" Yeah I am so confused, I can't keep up with it all"

Stephen" We can still Skype or Zoom your dad, it won't be the same but we can do it"

Charlie" Wait can't support or family bubbles come together"

Stephen" I don't know"

Charlie" I think the main reason is even though me and you have had the virus there is Isla"

Stephen" Yeah there is that, I thought that kids couldn't get it"

Charlie" They can, there is a new one out there now"

Stephen" Oh god"

Charlie*sits down*starts crying* Isla isn't going to remember me as her sister is she"

Stephen*pulls her in for a cuddle* She will, this won't last forever, we have a vaccine coming haven't we, it will be okay, someday all this will be over"

Charlie" I just everyone, it was like the first lockdown when I couldn't see him or anyone, I just missed him so much"

Stephen" I know you did and you will get to see him again"

Charlie*hugs Stephen* I'm so happy I got your Stephen"

Stephen*kisses her head* Look let's talk about something positive what about your birthday that's coming up soon, what would you like for your birthday"

Charlie" I don't really know, you don't have to get me anything I know it's awkward to get things"

Stephen" Well there is this thing called the internet I can have things delivered and sanitise upon arrival"

Charlie" You really don't have to get me anything"

Stephen" Well I am going to, come what do you want?"

Charlie" Well, I would like a switch"

Stephen" What is that?"

Charlie" It's from Nintendo it's a gaming console but it is very expensive"

Stephen" I can get you that as a birthday present"

Charlie" Are you sure?"

Stephen" Of course"

Charlie*smiles* Thank you, Stephen"

-Later on-

Charlie walks into the kitchen with her Mac in hand.  She watches as Stephen puts the last of the shopping away.

Stephen" Well that is the last of the shopping put away, I may have bought too much"

Charlie" Doesn't everyone"

Stephen*smiles* Very true, I may have bought too many chocolates and I don't know why because you can't eat it"

Charlie" I'm sure you will find somewhere to put it all"*smiles*

Stephen" Cheeky"*smirks* What have you got there?"

Charlie" I found another article about us dating"

Stephen*sighs* Alright let's see it"

The Daily Mail


Well, we see that Tv's Stephen Mulhern and Charlie Donnelly have always been very close to each other but about a month ago, they announced they had been dating for two months. They were afraid to tell anyone they were dating because of the age difference. Not everyone agrees with it and we have heard even the father Declan Donnelly wasn't very happy that they were dating and doesn't approve of the situation.

Charlie" What liars, yeah dad didn't approve to start with but he is okay with it now"

Stephen" That is newspapers for you always lying"

Charlie" Well we were always going to get people who didn't agree with us"

Stephen" Yeah, oh well we know the real truth"

Charlie*smiles* Of course"

-Charlie and Stephen's bedroom-

Charlie and Stephen were sat on the bed together cuddling. Charlie looks up at him.

Charlie" Everything will be okay eventually won't it"

Stephen" It will be, it has to be"

Yeah so I know I haven't updated since Halloween, sorry about that, I am also sorry that this is very short. I still hope you like it. Let me know in the comments. Just like in this chapter I did get the virus, I lost my sense of smell and my taste is less now than it was. I also felt really dizzy mostly and tired with a blocked nose.

I hope everyone has had a great Christmas and got what they wanted.

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