Dressing Room Fun at BGT (2020)

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This is very short but I had a idea when I watched their instagram 

Charlie stood in the dressing room with Ant and he starts smiling.

Charlie" What are you laughing at?"

Ant" I have a idea on how we can mess with your dad"

Charlie"Oooo tell me"

Ant" Well, when Dec comes back we pretend the tv works by speaking but we really just have the remote"

Charlie" I love that idea"*smiles*

Ant*smirks* You Donnelly's have that same look"

Charlie" And what look might that be" *looks at Ant*

Ant" You get the same tinkle in your eye"

Charlie*smirks* Do we?"

Ant" Yeah, I've noticed it in both of you"

Charlie" Well now you say Stephen has said to me as well, its going to be weird this year not doing BGMT"

Ant" We enjoyed coming on it, I know me and Dec always moaned about it but we really loved being on the show with you and Stephen"

Charlie*smiles*I know"

Ant" You ever think about doing More Talent on your own"

Charlie"I did but me and Stephen had a agreement that if we stopped doing it we stopped doing all together"

Ant*nods* Good idea"

Then the door opens and Dec walks in with a coffee in one hand and his phone in the other.

Dec"Oh hello trouble what are you doing in here?"

Charlie" I need something to do now I don't have a show"

Dec" Oh yeah, we are going to miss More Talent, so why don't we see if we can get this tv to work"

Ant" Oh yeah sure"

Charlie and Ant stand the with the remote.

Charlie" Dad maybe it works if you speak to it" *pulls her phone out*


TheDonnellyDaughter has gone live on Instagram!

Dec" Okay I'll try it"

Ant*holds the remote* Say turn on"

Dec" Turn on"

Ant*presses the button*

All say wow!

Charlie"Dad, say bring up the channel list"

Dec" Bring up the channel list"

The channel list comes up and he looks at the telly.

Dec" WOW"

Charlie" Dad this is amazing"

Ant" Okay, now ask it to select a programme"

Dec" TV select ITV Racing"

It then plays ITV Racing.

Dec" WOW"

Ant" Well we sorted that telly then"

Charlie" I love this telly"

Then the door opens and a studio runner tells them they are ready for auditions. 

Soz I haven't update for ages I have literally not been inspired to write anything.I hope you like this though. Let me know what you think. If you could vote that would be much appreciated. 

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