A day out with Uncle Stephen (1998)

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Ever wondered why Charlie so close with Stephen well this chapter explains all.

Dec watched his little girl playing with her toys on the floor he couldn't believe she was going to be five soon. He had had such help raising her, she had many mothers and many male figures as well, ever since Clare left he had been wondering how he would cope with everything.

Charlie" Daddy look, I drew a dog"

Dec" I see that, well done"*sits down by her* So you excited to start school?"

Charlie" But daddy I will miss you so much"

Dec" Awwww aren't you the cutest thing ever"*kisses her forehead*

Charlie" Daddy, I love you like this much"*holds her hands out very wide*

Dec" Yeah well I love you this much"*holds his arms open*

The door then shuts and Stephen walks in.

Stephen" Morning all"


Charlie runs at Stephen and he picks her up.

Stephen" Hello cheeky, ready to have some fun today?" *tickles her belly*

Charlie" Yay"*giggling* No Stephen tickles"

Stephen*tickles her*blows on her belly*

Charlie" Uncle Stephen"*giggling* It tickles, no"

Stephen*stops tickling Charlie*spins her round in his arms*

Charlie" I love you Uncle Stephen"

Stephen" I love you as well"*kisses her forehead*

Ant then walked in and Charlie looks at him before cuddling with Stephen still.

Ant" Morning all, morning little Donnelly"

Charlie" Uncle Ant"

Ant*goes to take her*

Charlie*nestles in Stephen* Want Stephen"

Stephen" She is so cute isn't she"

Ant" You know if she wasn't yours I would swear she was Stephen's"

Dec" Shut up man"

Charlie" Am I yours Stephen?"

Stephen" No sweetheart you are your dad's daughter"

Dec" Thanks for doing this Stephen"

Stephen" Hey its okay anything for my mates"

Dec gets up and looks at Charlie.

Dec" Now you behave for Uncle Stephen won't you"

Charlie" Yes daddy"

Dec" Good I'll see you later have fun with Stephen"

Charlie" Bye daddy"

Stephen" So what do you want to do, shall we get breakfast?"

Charlie" Yay"

Stephen" Come on then"

Stephen put Charlie on the counter as he looks for the breakfast.

Charlie" Daddy says I have to have healthy things"

Stephen" Well, I did bring something special for you, but I won't tell your dad if you don't"


Stephen then walked in with some chocolate stars and put them on the table.

Charlie" Chocolate, yay thank you Uncle Stephen" *hugs him*

Dec's Daughter 2Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz