Keeping her Distance (2020)

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Charlie looks in the mirror as she brushes her teeth, she then spits and looks as Stephen is behind her.

Stephen" Morning you okay?"

Charlie" I'm just nervous"*fiddles with her fingers*

Stephen*puts his arms round her* What are you nervous about, he is your dad"

Charlie" I know it's not that I'm just nervous about this virus i don't want to infect my little sister"

Stephen" You won't as long as you keep at the proper distance"

Charlie*sighs* It's just going to be hard not going to be able to hug him, hug Ali, hug Isla"

Charlie then starts crying and Stephen pulls her in for a hug and comforts her.


Stephen" I know, i know, shhh"*holds her close*


Stephen" I know you do, all of us are all in the same boat"

Charlie looks at Stephen tears down her face. Stephen looks at her and wipes the tears from her eyes.

Stephen" You listen to me when this all over we are going to have a huge party and there we be so much socialising you will be sick of it"

Charlie*smiles* Thank you, i don't know what i would do without you Stephen"

Stephen*smiles* Why don't you get ready I'll be downstairs"

Charlie*smiles* Thanks Stephen"

Charlie finishes getting ready she sighs sitting on her bed. She knew that everyone was in the same boat and everyone was self isolating she just missed her dad. She made her way downstairs and Stephen handed her a lunchbox.

Charlie*looks at him weird* What's this?"

Stephen" A lunchbox, you put food in it so you can take it places"

Charlie*rolls her eyes* Haha haha, very funny, i mean I'm only aloud out for a hour"

Stephen" I know i just know you haven't had any breakfast this morning"

Charlie*looks down at the ground* I just wasn't hungry"

Stephen" It's probably just nerves, you are anxious and you have a right to be"

Charlie" I know Stephen i know"

Stephen" But you should try and eat, i don't want you passing out on me"

Charlie" I won't Stephen"

Stephen" You know I'm only looking out for you"


Charlie starts shouting and makes Stephen jump back.

Stephen" Okay, if that's what you want"*he sighs*leaving*

Charlie now angry drops the lunchbox and storms out slamming the door on the way out. When she pulls up at the park she looks to see her dad chasing Isla, she tries not to cry as she exits her car. She makes her way towards her dad and they both sit on the bench apart from each other, Charlie starts to cry again and Dec looks at her.

Dec" Oh my baby girl, i wish I could cuddle you and kiss you but i know we can't so I'll just have to settle for this, how is life with Stephen is he getting on your nerves yet?"

Charlie" We had a bit of a fight this morning"

Dec" A fight, I never thought you too would fight, you two are so close"

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