Ashley, Aston and Charlie answer your questions. (Got To Dance) (2013)

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Realised that I haven't posted a Got To Dance Chapter for a while. Enjoy!

About to go live on Facebook with @therealashbanjo and @AstonMerrygold Rocky might even make appearance.

Who's ready for some questions to be answered, join me, @CharlieDonnelly and @AstonMerrygold live on facebook

Facebook Live coming up soon, me, @therealashbanjo and @CharlieDonnelly are going to ask some of your questions

Charlie was sitting with Ashley and Aston, they were sitting by the trailers, they had asked all the fans to send in questions via Facebook and Twitter.

Aston" So are we ready for this chat?"

Ashley" I'm ready, let's do this"

Aston" Charlie come sit with us"

Charlie" I am coming"

Charlie comes over holding Rocky.

Ashley" Aww, hey Rocky is here today"

Charlie" Yeah, say hello to Ashley"

She lifts Rocky up to kiss Ashley who licks his nose.

Ashley" Hello, Rocky"

Aston" Guys shall we do these questions?"

Charlie" Say hello to Aston"

Rocky start liking Aston's nose.

Aston smiles.

Aston" Hello"

Charlie holds Rocky as they answer questions.

Ashley" Okay, so I'm Ashley"

Aston" I'm Aston"

Charlie" And I'm Charlie, oh and this is Rocky and thanks for sending in your Facebook and twitter questions I'm going to ask Ashley's questions first"

Ashley" Go for it"

Charlie" When watching the acts do you get a few ideas of your own for your dance sets "

Ashley" Yes I do, it is mainly inspiration I wouldn't go and nick their whole set"

Charlie" What is your secret skill "

Ashley" I can move my eyebrows one at a time and my ears one at a time"

Ashley then proceeds to wiggle his eyebrows and ears making Charlie and Aston chuckle.

Charlie" Well there you are then I didn't know you could do that"

Ashley" Well you do now"

Aston" I always knew there was something weird about you"

Ashley" Shut up"

Ashley then playfully flicks Aston's head and Charlie chuckles.

Charlie" Okay boys, no fighting, look next question, Ashley do you still love Hello Kitty and Polly Pocket"

Ashley " You are winding me up*tries to take clipboard off Charlie*

Charlie*smiles* It's what it says "

She chuckles showing Aston who both hold the clipboard away from Ashley.

Ashley" No I dont love Hello Kitty or Polly Pocket"

Ashley"Let me see, who sent that in"

Charlie and Aston*show clipboard*

Ashley" Jordan, muppet"

Both Charlie lean back and laugh. He then yanks the clipboard off of Charlie.

Ashley" I am going to ask you some questions now okay"

Charlie" Go ahead I'm ready"

Ashley" What is your most favourite act that you have had on Got To Dance and BGMT?"

Charlie" Oh that is a great question, well I really do love magic acts on BGT but not the dangerous one, I mean I like them when my dad is not involved and this show well, probably Street Dance that's my favourite"

Aston" What is it like working on two talent shows and do they interfere with each other"

Charlie" Another great question, that well they haven't yet interfered with each other but I remember that time I missed BGMT live shows because I went on tour with Diversity"

Ashley" Oh yeah, that was fun, I'm surprised your dad let you go"

Charlie" Me too"

Ashley" Would you like a brother or sister?"

Charlie" I have a half brother, I don't see him though, I think I would like sister it would be nice to have a sibling, it was always just me and my dad"

Aston and Ashley" Awwwww"

They both lean in on Charlie.

Ashley" Okay my turn to ask Aston questions.

Ashley " Milly on twitter says who do you think has more girls fans on the show "

Aston" Kimberly mostly"

Ashley" She probably does then Charlie, then me then you"

Ashley" Laura says what would you rather have fingers as long as legs or legs as long as fingers "

Aston' Why would you think that Laura, I don't know really both would be awkward"

Ashley" Who is the fastest at running?"

Aston" Oh that is so me  "

Ashley" You really think so "

Aston" Well"

Ashley" There is only one way to settle this"

Charlie" Oh no, not again"

Both Ashley and Aston decide to have a race from the trailers back to them. Charlie sits and watches them in amusement. Ashley ends up winning and Aston kicks the sofa. Rocky barks at them.

Charlie" What are they doing, silly aren't they"

Story Notes:
You got love a Live Chat right and how cute is Rocky.

Authors Notes
I really hope you liked this, haven't posted a GTD chapter for a while. Let me know you think down below. I also found out why there has been no Ant Vs Dec, Stephen has not been well and has been resting up, I hope he gets better soon. Don't know actually what is wrong with him, I do a chapter idea though.

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