On Air Dares (SNT) (2021)

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Charlie and Stephen stand outside television centre they were getting ready to prank GMB, Lorraine, This Morning and Loose Women. It was to be a segment on Saturday Night Takeaway.

Stephen" Remember you can't instagram any of this"

Charlie" I know"

Stephen, No twitter, no facebook, no Tik Tok"

Charlie" Stephen, I get it"

Stephen" Okay just making sure"

Charlie" Dad already told me once"

Stephen" Come on we have to make the end of GMB"

Charlie" I'm coming"

Charlie and Stephen enter the television centre and head to the GMB studio.

Charlie" I'm not going to lie it's nice being on the ground floor and not going up all those flights of stairs back at the ITV Studios"

Stephen" There was lifts though wasn't there"

Charlie" True but they never worked half the time"

Stephen" Yeah, they were a pain"

Richard Arnold" Hey, what are you two doing here?"

Stephen" No, don't tell anyone we are here"

As we reach the GMB studio Stephen looks at Charlie.

Stephen" Great just when we are going to pull off this prank we bump into the most gobbiest person on telly"


They show clips of Charlie and Stephen at GMB, Lorraine, This Morning and Loose Women telling them the rules and whoever has says the most wins. They tell them to scratch their chins if they want to pass.

Ben" What are you two doing here, wait who let you two in"

Lorraine" I thought you was a special guest"

Stephen" Awww, Lorraine she wants her ratings to go through the roof"

Phil" I want to beat Lorraine"

Ben and Susanna get cued that they are back Live and both Stephen and Charlie pick up cards. Stephen holds up the card Takeaway and Susanna slips it in there.

-On Air-

Susanna" Take it away Richard"

Charlie then holds her card which reads No way girlfriend. Ben then takes this as his opportunity.

Ben" I said to Annie we have to watch all of Line of Duty Episodes and she said no, so I said No way girlfriend"

Both Stephen and Charlie It's Stephens turn to hold up a card.

Ben" Is there any rumpy pumpy in midsummer murders"

Richard" No rumpy pumpy"

Both Stephen and Charlie chuckle and Charlie looks at the camera.

Charlie" Susanna has given up"

Charlie holds up a card which says pretend you have a cramp which no one masters and then Ben takes on Stephen's card.

Ben" We don't have any of those Susanna bananas"

And cue weather

Stephen" Susanna is mortified, just sum it up"

Susanna then leans over in her seat.

Susanna" What just happened"

Both and Stephen and Charlie are in complete hysterics laughing at Susanna and Ben.

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