When a storm hit Wales (2021)

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Charlie was sitting with Stephen, they were watching telly. Charlie had been resting for days after the storm had hit Wales. Her and Stephen had gone for a walk and they were just heading back when the storm hit.

Charlie" Oh my god, we need to get back and quick"

Stephen" I didn't think they forecast a storm, come on"

Both made their way slowly down the hill but because it was so windy and the wind was so strong, Charlie was pushed over with such force she fell down the hill and crashed into a rock at the bottom. Stephen then immediately rushed down the hill. He kneels down by Charlie and she is unconscious.He gently shakes her.

Stephen" Charlie, Charlie, please"

He kept shaking her lightly but she doesn't move.

Stephen" Charlie, oh shit, oh my god"

Stephen looked around and he knew there was no one around and there was no signal. He knew what he would have to do, he was going to have to try and get back with Charlie in his arms. He hauled her up into his arms, he looked at her face it was covered in blood and her arm hung at a awkward angle. He sighed and started to push himself towards where he thought the house was.

Dec comes back from the toilet and looks at his phone.

Dec" Charlie and Stephen back yet?

Ali" No they are not"

Dec*looks out the window* That storm is getting worse, if she doesn't get back soon, oh god"

Ali*gets up* It will be okay Dec, why don't you phone them"

Dec" Yeah, I'll do that"

Dec picks up his phone and tries to ring Charlie who doesn't answer, so he tries again twice and then he tries Stephen who also doesn't answer three times. He then panics and looks at Ali.

Dec" Oh my god, my eldest daughter is out in a storm with her boyfriend, oh my god"

Ali" Dec it's okay, they have probably got no signal, you remember you had no signal when you and Ant went for a walk, look give it another five minutes then phone her again"

Dec" Okay"

Another five minutes past and there was still no sign of them.

Dec" Okay now I am getting very worried, one of my daughter is out in a storm"

Ali" I am worried now, try her again and try Stephen"

Just when Dec is about to phone them again he sees two figures come up the hill.

Dec" Holy shit, Ali quick get towels now"

Dec opens the door and there stands Stephen with Charlie in his arms.

Stephen" Dec I'm sorry"

Dec" Just get in here come on"

Stephen carries Charlie in and lays her on the sofa. Dec looks at his daughter her arm was at an awkward angle and she had dried blood down her face. Ali comes out and drops the towels she is carrying.

Ali" Oh my god, Charlie"

Dec" Quick phone for the medic"

The medic is called but can't get anywhere because of the storm. Dec was starting to panic again and was pacing back and forth. Stephen was sitting with Charlie, his hand in hers. Ali then stands up.

Ali" Right, Dec you go get the first aid kit, Stephen you keep trying the medic and I'll get a cold flannel"

Ali got a cold flannel and started to dab Charlie's face and trying to get the blood off her face. Stephen keeps trying the medic, he then looks at Ali.

Stephen" Ali"

Ali" It's okay Stephen, you got her back here"

Stephen sits on the sofa next to Ali and keeps trying the medic with no luck. Dec comes back holding the first aid kit.

Dec" Any luck with the medic?"

Stephen*shakes his head* No sorry"

Dec hands the first aid kit to Ali and she looks through it for some bandages, she then applies some cream and wraps a bandage around Charlie's head.

Ali" That should be okay till the medic gets here"

Dec" How have you stayed so calm Ali?"

Ali" I don't see the point in panicking it does nothing, I mean i do panic of course I'm still human but I try to stay calm"

All they could do is stay put till the medic arrived both Dec and Stephen stayed sitting with Charlie as she remained unconscious.

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