This Morning Interview (SNT)(2022)

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Charlie was sitting with Stephen as they were heading to television centre to rehearse for the new series of Saturday Night Takeaway.

Charlie" I'm so excited for the new series considering we no longer have BGMT and Extra Camp was axed"

Stephen" I'm not going to lie I do miss BGMT"

Charlie" It's alright for you, you have In for a penny, Rolling in it and Catchphrase"

Stephen" You know you can come on those shows anytime you want"

Charlie" I know"



Off to rehearsals for @itvtakeaway tomorrow with my boy @StephenMulhern also get to see my dad and Ant. @antanddec. Excited! X

@antanddec @CharlieDonnelly

Can't wait for you to get here Little D! Ax


Yeah can't wait to see my daughter @CharlieDonnelly @StephenMulhern not so much DX

@StephenMulhern @antanddec

Not funny.

Charlie looks out the window.

Charlie" They say the winds are going to get up on This Morning they were saying it could get to a red warning"

Stephen" I know hopefully it will be okay tomorrow"

Charlie" I hope so"

They both arrived at the studios and were making their way to the door to enter television centre, they passed many runners and people that worked there.

Runner" Hey Stephen, Hey Charlie"

Charlie and Stephen" Hey Rob"

They pass all the studios, GMB, Loose Women, This Morning and Lorraine before reaching the Takeaway studio. They arrive and Ant and Dec sitting on the sofa going over some scripts. Charlie comes up behind her dad making Ant smile. She makes him jump and he relaxes when he realises its his daughter.

Dec" Hey trouble, how are you?"

Charlie" Excited for takeaway"

Dec" Us too, we are just going over some scripts for the show tonight"

Charlie" I'm excited for Ant Vs Dec me and Stephen are ready"

Stephen" Yep, I can't wait to see your faces, I bet you can't wait"

Ant" Yeah we are ecstatic aren't we Dec"

Dec" Yeahhhh"

Charlie chuckles as Ant and her dad were being sarcastic, she comes to sit next to her dad and leans her head on his shoulder. Stephen sits down next to Ant and they both smile.

Stephen" Aren't our Donnelly's cute"

Ant*smiles* I know bloody cheeky as well"

Charlie and Dec look at Ant and Stephen"

Charlie" What us?"

Dec" Never"

Charlie" So are you doing your usual This Morning interview?"

Ant" We are yeah, I think Alison and Dermott are coming over to us"

Charlie" Ooo, I love watching them too on the telly"

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