Bafta Awards 2019

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Charlie stood in her bedroom which was still a mess after all they had been to the BGT auditions non stop and she just hadn't got the time to clean it. She looked at her two outfits on the bed and could decided to either where a dress or wear a trouser suit, she wasn't a fan of dresses and never would be, she always knew she had to dress up smartly for these awards shows though. She couldn't believe it was Bafta time already didn't seem like five minutes ago they were getting ready for the NTA's. She couldn't deny though that moment when her dad and Ant won the best presenter award even after what happened made her cry she remembered hugging Stephen so hard before running out and hugging her dad. She sighed as she stared at the floor it was littered with clothes, Ali then comes in and sees Charlie.

Ali" Hey, you okay?"

Charlie" Yeah, not sure what to wear tonight I'm not really keen on dresses"

Ali" Where what you want to wear"

Charlie" I know I can its just Dad always likes me to look nice"

Ali" You could wear a dress its only for one night"

Charlie" I guess"

Ali" And it doesn't have to be girly as much"

Charlie*thinks* Yeah I guess, thanks Ali"

Ali*laughs* It's what I'm here for"

Dec then comes in and Charlie watches his face change as the sees the state of her room.

Charlie" Don't say it"

Dec*holds his hands up* I wasn't going to say anything"

Charlie" I know its messy I'll get round to it "

Dec*smiles* I know Charlie are you ready"

Charlie" No way I still got to pick out a bag and decide what dress I'm going to wear"

Dec" You are wearing a dress"

Charlie" Might be"

Dec" I love seeing you in dresses but don't do it for my benefit, wear something you feel comfy in"

Charlie" Dad are you sure"

Dad" I'm quite sure, now come on get ready we have to pick Ant up as well"

Charlie" Okay, okay, I'm getting ready"*disappears into the bathroom*

Dec*looks at Ali* You okay about not coming I know you came last year"

Ali" It's totally fine Decky honestly, you go with Ant and Charlie and have a good time someone has to look after Isla"

Dec*smiles*kisses Ali*leaves the room*

After many hours of deliberation Charlie was ready and dressed in the kitchen waiting for her father. Dec appears in the kitchen doorway fiddling with his bowtie.

Ali" Here let me do it"*swats his hands away*fiddles with his bowtie*

Ali then finishes and then looks at him.

Ali" Very handsome"*kisses him on the cheek*Now you two have a good time and don't get up to anything"

Charlie" As if we would, what do you take us for?"

Ali*looks at them both* Well for one you are both Donnelly's and you always spell trouble when you are together"

Charlie*leans onto her dad*both pull faces*But you love us right"

Ali" Of course I love you"*hugs Dec and Charlie*


Charlie" Awww you want to be part of the cuddle ay boy"*picks him up*

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