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''I swear by the angels if he doesn't stop it.'' 

Katherine groaned and buried her head in Alec's chest who was sitting next to her on the couch  as Jace and a girls's chuckled bounced throughout the loft. Alec placed his arm around Katherine before  narrowing  his eyes and pulled his lips in a  thin line as more nosies came from the room the younger shadowhunter was in.

''I haven't had a roommate this brazen since...well since Casanova and I spent the night in the Doge's Place.'' and at that, Katherine cringed in awkwardness and snuggled further into Alec's chest who was looking at the warlock with an amused look on his face.

''Yeah, I am not sure I wanna hear about that either.'' her voice came out muffled due to the fact that her face was in Alec's chest who smacked his lips as another round of giggles and chuckled came from the room ''I'll talk to Jace.'' Katherine moved her head from his chest as he got up ''He can't stay in there forever.''

''No, no.'' Magnus  waved his hand in the air ''Nothing a little magic can't fix.'' his magic flared out and upbeat music covered the nosies ''All good?'' he looked at Katherine as Alec again sat back down on the couch, pulling her back into his chest.

''Very.'' she snuggled in Alec's chest and his arm tightened around her.

Magnus was sitting on a chair opposite to the two with a book in his lap and a drink in his hand while Katherine had her head on Alec's chest, right above his heart which was beating in a rhyme as his hands were playing with locks of her hair when the two's phones beeped.

''What is it now?'' she sighed and pulled her head away from Alec's chest to look at her phone. ''Damn it.'' he looked up from his phone at her ''Can't we just have like a day off from everything?'' Katherine threw her head back on the couch and sighed dramtically. 

''What is it?'' Magnus looked at the two ''We need to go.'' Alec got up from the couch ''I am going to get Jace.'' ''Good luck with that.'' Katherine snorted as he moved towards the room.

''Maybe you should talk to Jace.'' Magnus said as she picked up a handful of peanuts that was on the front table, sitting in a bowl ''Yeah, why's that?'' Katherine shoved them in her mouth ''That is something you need to ask yourself.''

Magnus kept his gaze on her for few seconds ''What do you mean?'' she was confused by her father figures words to say the least.

Before he could answer her back, a seelie woman walked out of the room, fully naked and gave the two a satisfied smirk. Katherine looked away in disgust ''Yep.I should probably go talk to Jace.'' Magnus gave her a nod, keeping his eyes off the naked seelie as Katherine walked towards the room.

She leaned against the doorway as Alec's voice reached her ears ''So you're just gonna turn your back on us? On Kate, on Isabelle? Clary?''

''Told you I am not discussing Clary.'' 

She zoned out the rest of the conversation as a realization came to her. ''This isn't you.'' Katherine looked up to see Alec walking towards the door and sighed in defeat when he saw her ''He isn't coming.'' she looked over his shoulder to see Jace staring at her.

''I know, I need to talk to him,Alec.'' Katherine looked back at him , he brushed his thumb against her knuckles and pecked her lips ''I'll be waiting.'' she smiled and nodded at him.His eyes never left her's as he walked out of the room, leaving Katherine and Jace alone.

She sighed as the younger boy wore a grey t-shirt back on ''What?''

''I don't know, you tell me.'' Katherine walked further in the room. ''You are looking at me in a disappointed way.'' she raised her eyebrows ''Oh? So now you care about that?'' Jace looked at her 

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