The New Head

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''Any word from the Clave?'' 

Katherine walked on Izzy's one side while Lydia was on the other and Magnus walked a bit behind them ''Not yet and we have been trying for the past four hours.Something's up.''  Alec joined them as they continued walking in the heart of the Institute.

''Mhmm...the Clave being unhelpful? '' Magnus had a piece of cloth in his hand ''Who's shocked? Show of hands?'' Katherine gave him an unamused look as they gathered around the  table that gave 3-D images  ''I am worried, I can't sense Jace through our parabatai bond.'' Katherine looked up at him before looking around at the group ''Neither can I.''

Magnus looked at her ''We'll find him ,Katherine.'' he walked a bit away and started to  track Jace  with the cloth.

''When we arrested Hodge he said Valentine was on a ship.'' Izzy looked between Katherine and Alec ''They must still be over water.'' Lydia gave the younger girl a sideward glance ''Pull up the waterways around New York.'' Izzy used her hands to pull up the waterways and Katherine crossed her arms across her chest.

Izzy continued pulling up the map of New York ''The ship couldn't have gone too far.'' 

Katherine closed her eyes and again tried looking for Jace and wasn't surprised  when she felt a wall blocking her from reaching out to the boy.

''Anything?'' she opened her eyes to see Alec looking at Magnus who was still trying to track Jace through the cloth. ''Sorry.'' the warlock was still trying to track him ''There's gotta be something.'' panic and anger rose in Alec's voice and Katherine narrowed her eyes at him in worry. Magnus looked at her in question before looking back at him ''I don't see him.''

Alec moved away from the table and towards the mass of shadowhunters ''All right, listen up!'' Izzy looked at Katherine who sighed in worry before they looked at Alec ''I want 24/7 monitoring of the Hudson and East Rivers if you see anything unusual, you come to me first.''

'' I have got this, Alec.'' Lydia said and he turned to look at her '' Then why haven't you found Jace yet?'' he snapped at her.

''Don't forget who you are talking to. I am still the head of the Institute.''  Izzy and Magnus shared a look with Katherine who was worried for Alec but at the same time was shocked by the amount of anger he was showing.

''And my brother is still missing!'' she stayed by the table as Izzy walked towards Alec ''Why don't you just take a break?'' Alec looked at her in annoyance  ''Not now, Izzy.''

''Isabelle's right and it's not a request. You are dismissed.'' Lydia said in a stern voice 

''Fine!.'' he turned to walk away but Katherine caught his arm ''Alec, hey-'' Alec looked down at her hold before pulling his arm roughly out of her grip causing her to  sigh.

''Everybody, just back off!'' he walked away and Katherine stared at his retreating figure, Izzy rubbed her arm in comfort ''He's just upset that we aren't able to locate Jace.''

She turned to the younger Lightwood and Izzy along with Magnus saw the tiredness in her eyes ''He isn't the only one who cares about Jace, Iz.'' Katherine walked away, leaving Izzy and her father figure to share a concern look.

 What they didn't know was that Katherine could only see Jace in her sleep, she saw what was happening to him, how he was suffering...and she suffered it too.


Katherine found Alec standing outside the closed door of Jace's room. She didn't say anything, just stood by him staring at the door ''I am sorry for the way I acted, it's not personal.'' his eyes didn't look at her ''It's fine, Alec.You are worried for him, we all are.''

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