Katherine saw Alec walk towards her and she placed the tablet down before looking at the worry on his face ''Maryse is still angry at me isn't she?'' she took his hand as they started walking away from the monitors and towards the hall that had everyone's rooms in it.
Alec shook his head ''No, she isn't angry at you....it's like dad said, she feels guilty about something.I saw it in her eyes.'' Katherine hummed and frowned in confusion ''But what could she feel guilty about? Now I feel guilty for making her feel guilty.''
''Hey.'' He gently raised her chin up until his eyes looked into her's ''Whatever it is...we'll talk to her about it together.'' She smiled at him as they stopped in front of Lydia's door ''We owe her so much, Alec.''
Katherine was grateful for what the woman had done for her and Alec, even if she hadn't at the first been the biggest fan of the envoy.
Alec smiled at her ''Yeah, we do.Without what Lydia did, we wouldn't be here.'' he looked at Katherine, taking in every feature of her's and wondered how he could have found someone so beautiful and kind.
Katherine shivered and blushed under his gaze ''Well, open the door, then.'' he snapped out of his daze and slowly pushed the door open. Her eyes widened as she saw the blonde woman laying unconscious on the floor .
Alec ran to the unconscious girl as Katherine gently took her head in her lap and checked for a pulse before sighing in relief ''She's alive.'' Alec pulled Lydia's sleeve up and activated her healing rune. Katherine placed the girl's head slowly back on the floor and looked at Alec ''I am going to get help.''
He nodded his head. Lydia opened her eyes and weakly looked at the two, ''You are gonna be okay.'' Alec assured her and Katherine nodded her head as she turned around to bring help to her but stop and froze when Lydia whispered something.
Alec and Katherine walked towards where Izzy was sitting on a chair with a computer screen in front of her while Jace and Clary stood behind her.
The Fairchild turned towards them ''How's Lydia?'' Katherine sighed as she stood in between Alec and Jace ''She's better .'' ''Magnus is doing everything he can to help, but it's bad.'' Alec looked at Jace over Katherine's head ''And the Cup is definitely missing.''
Jace nodded his head before looking back at the screen ''So's Hodge.'' Katherine shrugged her shoulders ''Maybe he was attacked as well.'' Izzy nodded her head before she pulled up a footage as Clary leaned forward ''Maybe he was the one who attacked her.'' she looked at Katherine who shook her head as Izzy turned around in her seat to look at Clary.
''Hodge?'' her fingers flew on the keyboard ''No way.We've known him our entire lives.He would never do that to us.'' Izzy pulled up the footage of Lydia's attacker before zooming in and Katherine gasped in shock when she saw Hodge standing over the unconscious form of the envoy.
''By the angels.'' her eyes widened even further when they saw Hodge pick the Mortal Cup up. Katherine leaned back into Alec and looked up at him to see the same look of shock and betrayal on his face.
''We led him right to the Cup.'' Jace's eyes looked at the footage in disbelief ''We treated him like family.'' she laced her fingers through Alec's who tightened his fingers around her's ''How could he do this to us?'' all of their eyes were glued to the screen as Izzy pulled up another footage.
This one showed him standing besides Jocelyn's blue-green bubble. Katherine narrowed her eyes at something he twisted on his finger. ''That's how.What's that ring?'' Clary asked and the older girl clenched her jaw in anger ''Well it looks as if he's talking to someone.'' the footage showed Hodge lifting the cup in his hands.

The Warrior(Alec Lightwood)
FanfictionShadowhunters -season 1-season2-season3 Katherine Fairchild had run away from her home when she was eleven and had been taken in by the Lightwoods. She has trained with the Lightwood siblings and Jace Wayland. However, nine years later, people from...